T-cell Exhaustion - HealthTree for Multiple Myeloma
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T-cell Exhaustion

Last updated on: 10/18/2024

T-cell exhaustion is a concerning condition that can develop in patients undergoing multiple myeloma treatments, particularly those involving immunotherapy like bispecific antibodies.

Over time, especially with prolonged exposure to myeloma cells, your T cells – the immune cells responsible for fighting off infections and cancer – can become "tired" or exhausted. This exhaustion weakens your immune system's ability to effectively combat the myeloma cells.

The risk of T-cell exhaustion increases with the duration of treatment, emphasizing the importance of early and aggressive therapeutic intervention. Because of this, many multiple myeloma specialists advocate for using immunotherapies earlier in the disease course rather than reserving them for patients who have already undergone multiple lines of therapy.

Research in this area is ongoing, and new methods for detecting T-cell exhaustion are continually being developed. While it can be challenging to directly measure T-cell exhaustion, your medical team can monitor specific markers in your blood and the response to treatment to assess the potential impact of T-cell function on your condition.

Learn more about T-cell exhaustion directly from the experts with HealthTree University for Multiple Myeloma: What is T cell exhaustion? (2022)