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in multiple myeloma

John Pagenstecher

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Laraine Jones

multiple myeloma coach since 2022

I was diagnosed in June 2011. This diagnosis came after an inquiry by me with my primary care doctor about the fact that I noticed that I was losing weight. My weight loss was noticeably significant. Upon running a bunch of labs, my primary care doctor suspected that I might have MM because of the fact that I was very anemic and I had an elevated M-protein spike. My PCP referred me to a hematologist. Upon meeting with the hematologist, additional tests were done, including a bone marrow biopsy that resulted in a positive MM diagnosis. Of course I was initially in disbelieve of the diagnosis. I kept thinking to myself that perhaps the doctor made a mistake. But eventually I realized that there was noting for me to do but to accept my new reality. This began for me a journey to learn all that I could possibly learn about MM by reading the educational materials published by the MMRF, LLS and the IMF, as well as reading books written by my fellow MM warriors such as the late Pat Killingsworth. I also joined a number of Facebook MM Support groups. I began my first line of RVD therapy in July 2011. This was followed by a SCT in November 2011. Post my SCT, I began Revlimid maintenance in June 2012 and remained on this therapy until June 2016, when I relapsed due to a gradual uptick in my M-protein. I eventually began a new therapy which included Daratumumab + Pomalyst + Dexamethasone. I have been on this therapy since April 2017 and continue to have a very good response to my treatment. I now live a 'new normal' active life able to enjoy activities such as photography, golf, outdoor and indoor biking, swimming, walking as well as being active volunteering with my church and sorority. I have learned so much because of this journey and, needless to say, I now have a far greater appreciation for this thing called life!

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Dorian Soper image
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Dorian Soper

multiple myeloma coach since 2024

Hi! My name is Dorian Soper. I am a 73 yr old female and, NO, I no longer ski! Dx in December of 2020 with Smoldering MM, borderline stage 1 at start of study (R-ISS.) IGG Lambda ,1Q,11:14 (15%.) Pet scan, bone survey neg; no renal involvement. Started 24 month clinical trial in Feb, 2021: Dara, Revlimid and Dex. Completed study in December, 2022. Partial response. Done at UofMich. Presently, I am not taking any MM meds and see my oncologist every month after blood screening. My M-protein is creeping up slowly and I am presently at 1.02. My other labs are normal. I always say that I am "flying under the radar" right now, and am very grateful to be doing so. I am feeling pretty well, overall, but have osteo arthritis, neuropathy, and fatigue. I work on Tuesdays in a Cardiology office and perform their Myocardial Perfusion Imaging, as I am a Nuclear Med. Tech. I am on my feet all day for and LOVE it. I am also a potter/ceramicist and take classes all day on Thursday, which I also love. I have a studio in the lower level of my home. I also have three lovely and lively granddaughters whom I see quite frequently and babysit often. I remarried , after 30 yrs as an only parent, in November of 2019. So, you see, I am very brave! I (we) have a very good life and I am an eternal optimist and very much a realist. I would like to be coach. Because of Healhtre.org, I have been able to learn SO much about Myeloma! Healthtree is such a fabulous resource in every way. I would like to steer new patients to this website whenever possible! Thank you, Dorian Soper

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