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in multiple myeloma

John Pagenstecher

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Laurie C

multiple myeloma coach since 2023

I am a 59 year old female who was diagnosed with high risk [t(4,14)] IgG Lambda light chain Multiple Myeloma on Nov 1, 2021 after a tumor in my spine cracked my T4. I had 4 cycles of KRd, then an autologous stem cell transplant mid June 2022. I resumed treatment September '22: on Revlimid 10 mg daily and Velcade 2 x per month. I am just changing to Revlimid 5 mg + Velcade 2x monthly due to bad headaches and blurry vision. I also got shots of Xgeva once every 3 months for bone strength, this is now being changed to every month. I can talk to people about life hacks for a successful autologous stem cell transplant. I can talk about life after the transplant and the many dietary changes that I have made since being diagnosed. I walk about 4 miles a day and I read a lot. I read all of the Myeloma Research that I can find. I am still working. I would like to bring kindness and support to the lives of those diagnosed with Myeloma. WAYS I CAN BE HELPFUL: tips on having a great bone marrow transplant; how to prepare questions to discuss with your doctor, how to help yourself heal through diet, music, exercise, reading and love. Understanding blood test changes. I can support patients in English and in French. I can help Revlimid users find the financial support that the Bristol Myers Foundation provides. I AM NOT THE BEST RESOURCE FOR: discussing issues related to end of life, grief management, palliative care, prognosis, etc. I am not knowledgeable about anything related to insurance issues and or the health insurance appeal process. ellecee103@gmail.com healingmyeloma.blogspot.com Wishing peace and love to all.

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Mark Bastian image
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Mark Bastian

multiple myeloma coach since 2023

My name is Mark, I am 65 years old. My husband Rodd & I live in San Miguel de Allende MX. In April 2022 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma by my doctor here in Mexico. Went through 4 months of treatment. In August of 2022, we traveled to Nashville TN to the Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute to begin the process of Stem Cell Transplant. September 2nd I had my transplant. We stayed in Nashville to the beginning of October. We then traveled back to San Miguel. I am happy to report my transplant was a success. I am cancer cell free & myeloma free. Back at the gym, back to cooking & baking that I love so much. My background is in the baking industry. My life today is better than I could have imagined a year ago. Yes, I am a bit slower, do experience some back issues but it's nothing compared to where I was. I am so grateful for today. My husband Rodd just came back from a 6 week, 7,635 mile tour of the US. We called it "Remission Tour 2023". We visited family, my children & our grandsons. It was truly wonderful and beat expectation. Plus, I felt great on this trip. We met with my doctors in Nashville as well for a follow up great lab results. Having Multiple Myeloma was not easy, some of the worst days in my life. I am so grateful for the great doctors, nurses who treated me, the love and support I received from friends & family, mostly from the care I received from my husband Rodd. Could not have walked through this without him. When I found out I had Multiple Myeloma I void I would remain positive as possible, take this serious, ask for help, keep a sense of humor. All this help me in so many ways.

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HealthTree Cure Hub helps you navigate your disease by tracking your labs and so much more

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In HealthTree Cure Hub, your data and researchers' expertise combine to shorten the breakthrough time from years to days; every second counts

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