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With Coach, we are in this together

HealthTree Coaches are experienced patients and caregivers who understand the importance of support from someone who knows first-hand what you’re going through.

Personalized Coaching

All Coaches are volunteer survivors or caregivers who want to share their experiences and help guide you through your diagnosis and treatment.

You can find a coach who:
  • Has your type of disease
  • Had a similar treatment
  • Has personal areas of experience to match your needs
  • Lives in your geographic area
You are able to work with more than one Coach at a time and can connect by phone, computer or in person.

Become a Coach

  • Make a meaningful difference in patients' lives.
  • No experience needed – we provide comprehensive training on skills and knowledge to help you succeed.
  • Commitment - Dedicate at least 8 hours per month for one year.
  • Access to easy-to-use resources, including online videos, webinars, and helpful tools to help you find the right answers quickly.

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Marvella Compton image
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Marvella Compton

multiple myeloma coach since 2024

Hello My name is Marvella Compton. In November 2021, I started having shoulder and lower back pain. I was diagnosed by my PCP as having a pinched nerve. The pain became worse after 3 trips back and forth to the doctor under pain medicine, muscle relaxer, etc. A MRI was then ordered which revealed a herniated disc on my L3-L5. I completed 3 months of PT without any relief. The pain was excruciating in my lower left hip all the way down my left leg to my toes. I could barely walk. I then decided to go to the neuro surgeon who set me up for surgery immediately. On May 10, 2022, I had microdiscectomy surgery to remove the herniated disc. On May 17, 2022, I received a phone call from the surgeon himself and asked me to come in. He needed to speak with me. I said I just had back surgery I can barely move. I cannot make it. He then asked for permission to speak with me over the phone. I gave permission. He told me he did not like what he saw when he removed my herniated disc. He then sent it off to pathology to be worked up. Me being a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and the Administrative Officer over Pathology Laboratory Medicine Service at the Veteran Affairs Hospital, I realized what he was about to say was not good. We he told me that it came back as some form of rare blood cancer. After having a bone marrow biopsy, MRI, PET Scan, and a lot of blood work it was determined that I had Multiple Myeloma. I then started weekly induction chemotherapy in June of 2022 and lasted through December 2022. I was given Velcade, Darzalex (Daratummab), Dexamethasone, and Zometa. In December 2022, I was referred to UAMS Myeloma Center to see Dr. Van Rhee for a SCT (Stem Cell Transplant) workup. I had a SCT on March 17, 2023. I started weekly maintenance chemotherapy in July 2023. I had another bone marrow biopsy and Pet scan in March 2024. I was informed on March 19, 2024 that I am MRD (minimal residual disease) Negative. I was blessed to have a career that allowed me to still work during all of my treatments. I was allowed to work from home when I needed to. Being a Clinical Laboratory Scientist, I knew alot about my condition. It is different when you actually see what you learned in a textbook on yourself.

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Bonnie Falbo image
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Bonnie Falbo

multiple myeloma coach since 2020

I have been my 75 year old husband's patient advocate and caregiver since we started this journey in 2008 when he was diagnosed with MGUS. In 2016 he progressed to high-risk smoldering and then active myeloma in 2018. In June 2019 he had an autologous stem cell transplant followed by lenalidomide maintenance and he also participation in a Vaccine Trial. After a very slow biochemical progression he started DPd in May 2023. We are now planning ahead for CARVYKTI with the next relapse. Throughout the years I use the skills I have learned as a Physician Assistant, Wellness Coach and Personal Trainer to be his advocate, educator, caregiver and skilled listener. With my medical background I know how to prepare for doctor appointments to make the most of your precious time with your doctor. I can help you succinctly present your whole health/personal lifestyle picture and organize your questions in a way that will engage your doctor and stimulate discussion. My medical training enables me to review labs and reports with you and help you learn what information is important to track. I can also help you sort through differing medical opinions to develop an approach this is right for you. In addition, I can help with research on Medicare Part D. I have a passion for educating and coaching people and I feel privileged to partner with myeloma patients and other caregivers. I understand how complex and confusing this disease is and know that sometimes despite the best intentions of friends and family it is helpful to talk to someone who "gets" myeloma. I especially want to offer you compassionate listening and an opportunity to have a time and space that's private and just for YOU. We live with our furry kids, Yukon the dog and Peakahn, the cat. I'm a native New Yorker and former WDC resident, who now enjoys the beauty and tranquility of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

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