Keep Your Healthcare Team Informed - HealthTree for Multiple Myeloma
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Keep Your Healthcare Team Informed

Last updated on: 10/18/2024

How can I keep my healthcare team informed while I take bispecific antibody therapy?

Keep open communication with your entire healthcare team while you are on the treatment. Report any side effects, even if you think that they have nothing to do with the treatment or are something that you have experienced in the past (i.e., chemo brain). 

Ask friends and family to check in on you regularly to make sure that you are maintaining the same quality of life that you were before the treatment began. You want to make sure that you retain both your physical and intellectual capacities while on the treatment.

It's also crucial to be honest with yourself about your mental and physical capacities. If you notice that you are becoming increasingly forgetful or losing motor skill capabilities, report this to your healthcare team (and loved ones) as well.