What is HealthTree® for Multiple Myeloma? - HealthTree for Multiple Myeloma
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What is HealthTree® for Multiple Myeloma?

Posted: Jan 22, 2020
What is HealthTree® for Multiple Myeloma? image

What is HealthTree?

HealthTree is a free, new tool created by myeloma patients for myeloma patients. HealthTree is an online tool myeloma patients can use to navigate their care while also helping advance a cure.

HealthTree empowers patients with myeloma knowledge, connects them to peers in similar situations and identifies personalized treatment options. At the same time it helps the research community develop new hypotheses about optimal treatment strategies and identifies best practices in myeloma care.

Today HealthTree supports improved shared decision making between patients and doctors and powers the artificial intelligence-enabled healthcare of tomorrow. It is the first patient-driven data initiative that helps patients navigate their own disease while contributing to research using real world data. 

The Story Behind HealthTree

When Jenny Ahlstrom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, she and her husband Paul wanted to see data showing which treatment plan would help her live the longest. Such a resource didn’t exist. They realized that tech, insurance and pharma companies, hospital networks and research communities each had their data silos, HIPAA restrictions, regulatory concerns or liability issues that prevented them from building a solution in an integrated, patient-centric way. Patients are the key. They have the freedom to not only aggregate their data, but to freely share their story to help drive new, faster insights.

Tools in HealthTree

HealthTree is full of tools and programs to help myeloma patients navigate their disease over a lifetime.  

Track My Myeloma in a Single Place

Most myeloma patients are being seen at several cancer centers or local clinics. HealthTree allows you to gather everything about your myeloma into a single place for an accurate, complete record. You can also journal your myeloma story and will soon be able to share it on social media.

Understand My Treatment Options

As myeloma patients, we have an abundance of treatment options but all of those options may not be discussed with our doctor, especially if you are being seen in the community oncology setting. HealthTree contains logic, created by myeloma experts, to help display appropriate treatment options that you can take to your doctor for an educated discussion. You can see how a myeloma specialist would treat your disease at every stage of disease.   

Find Clinical Trials I’m Eligible to Join

Through our SparkCures integration, HealthTree can show you all clinical trials you are individually eligible to join. This reduces a list of 450 trials down to 10-40 personally relevant studies, increasing the likelihood that you can more quickly find a study you can actually join. 

Find My “Twin”

While each myeloma patient is unique, there are patterns in care and outcomes that may become obvious when we share our myeloma experiences. You will be able to find other myeloma patients like you and connect with them via a chat function, starting with your myeloma genetic "twins".

Get Help

You can find financial resources, find a myeloma specialist and connect to HealthTree University, the largest online “university” for myeloma patients with over 30 courses and 600 lessons taught by over 75 myeloma experts. You can also find a Myeloma Coach to help you on your myeloma journey.

HealthTree University: What is Multiple Myeloma? 

Find a Myeloma Coach

Accelerate Myeloma Research

Every myeloma patients wants to see research move faster because we "Can't Wait for a Cure." Together, we can help accelerate a cure by answering simple survey questions by myeloma specialists or participating in easy observational studies so the experts can develop new hypotheses about what causes and cures myeloma. 

Myeloma Crowd Launches a Psoriasis / Multiple Myeloma Study Using Its HealthTree® Platform

Patient Stories About HealthTree

Learn from patient themselves about their experience with HealthTree and how it's helped them navigate their myeloma journey. 

Meet Myeloma Coach Carol Calcitrai: Her Story and how HealthTree can Benefit all Myeloma Patients

HealthTree Patient Spotlight: Kathy Kupka

I Want to Say HealthTree Helped Save My Life: Steve Reinhardt


Our support team is here to help! If you would like to learn more about HealthTree or already created a profile and need help, please give us a call at  1-800-709-1113. 

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January is Myeloma Crowd Month! In the coming weeks, we are highlighting each of our programs and how they can help you in your myeloma journey. Learn more about what we do and if you run into a question or concerns, please email info@crowdcare.org. 

What is HealthTree?

HealthTree is a free, new tool created by myeloma patients for myeloma patients. HealthTree is an online tool myeloma patients can use to navigate their care while also helping advance a cure.

HealthTree empowers patients with myeloma knowledge, connects them to peers in similar situations and identifies personalized treatment options. At the same time it helps the research community develop new hypotheses about optimal treatment strategies and identifies best practices in myeloma care.

Today HealthTree supports improved shared decision making between patients and doctors and powers the artificial intelligence-enabled healthcare of tomorrow. It is the first patient-driven data initiative that helps patients navigate their own disease while contributing to research using real world data. 

The Story Behind HealthTree

When Jenny Ahlstrom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, she and her husband Paul wanted to see data showing which treatment plan would help her live the longest. Such a resource didn’t exist. They realized that tech, insurance and pharma companies, hospital networks and research communities each had their data silos, HIPAA restrictions, regulatory concerns or liability issues that prevented them from building a solution in an integrated, patient-centric way. Patients are the key. They have the freedom to not only aggregate their data, but to freely share their story to help drive new, faster insights.

Tools in HealthTree

HealthTree is full of tools and programs to help myeloma patients navigate their disease over a lifetime.  

Track My Myeloma in a Single Place

Most myeloma patients are being seen at several cancer centers or local clinics. HealthTree allows you to gather everything about your myeloma into a single place for an accurate, complete record. You can also journal your myeloma story and will soon be able to share it on social media.

Understand My Treatment Options

As myeloma patients, we have an abundance of treatment options but all of those options may not be discussed with our doctor, especially if you are being seen in the community oncology setting. HealthTree contains logic, created by myeloma experts, to help display appropriate treatment options that you can take to your doctor for an educated discussion. You can see how a myeloma specialist would treat your disease at every stage of disease.   

Find Clinical Trials I’m Eligible to Join

Through our SparkCures integration, HealthTree can show you all clinical trials you are individually eligible to join. This reduces a list of 450 trials down to 10-40 personally relevant studies, increasing the likelihood that you can more quickly find a study you can actually join. 

Find My “Twin”

While each myeloma patient is unique, there are patterns in care and outcomes that may become obvious when we share our myeloma experiences. You will be able to find other myeloma patients like you and connect with them via a chat function, starting with your myeloma genetic "twins".

Get Help

You can find financial resources, find a myeloma specialist and connect to HealthTree University, the largest online “university” for myeloma patients with over 30 courses and 600 lessons taught by over 75 myeloma experts. You can also find a Myeloma Coach to help you on your myeloma journey.

HealthTree University: What is Multiple Myeloma? 

Find a Myeloma Coach

Accelerate Myeloma Research

Every myeloma patients wants to see research move faster because we "Can't Wait for a Cure." Together, we can help accelerate a cure by answering simple survey questions by myeloma specialists or participating in easy observational studies so the experts can develop new hypotheses about what causes and cures myeloma. 

Myeloma Crowd Launches a Psoriasis / Multiple Myeloma Study Using Its HealthTree® Platform

Patient Stories About HealthTree

Learn from patient themselves about their experience with HealthTree and how it's helped them navigate their myeloma journey. 

Meet Myeloma Coach Carol Calcitrai: Her Story and how HealthTree can Benefit all Myeloma Patients

HealthTree Patient Spotlight: Kathy Kupka

I Want to Say HealthTree Helped Save My Life: Steve Reinhardt


Our support team is here to help! If you would like to learn more about HealthTree or already created a profile and need help, please give us a call at  1-800-709-1113. 

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January is Myeloma Crowd Month! In the coming weeks, we are highlighting each of our programs and how they can help you in your myeloma journey. Learn more about what we do and if you run into a question or concerns, please email info@crowdcare.org. 

The author Allyse Shumway

about the author
Allyse Shumway

MyelomaCrowd Editorial Contributor. Daughter to a parent with cancer.

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