From the Community: How the HealthTree Foundation Has Helped Our Lives
Posted: Sep 05, 2023
From the Community: How the HealthTree Foundation Has Helped Our Lives image

As we commemorate Blood Cancer Awareness Month this September, we wanted to celebrate the progress we have been able to make together over the last decade with you. 

We asked members of our community to fill out a survey indicating their favorite HealthTree programs and invited them to share how the HealthTree Foundation has affected their lives and the lives of their family members. 

The number of responses, as well as the quality of responses that we received, were incredibly moving. 

If you have been on the fence about diving into our programs, or if you have a loved one diagnosed with multiple myeloma, feel free to share this article with them so that our HealthTree Myeloma Community can continue to expand. 

Our HealthTree staff dedicates several hours of their time, energy, talents, and love to these programs because we genuinely care about the people we are helping. We recognize that the purpose of our jobs is greater than simply putting in the hours. The quality of your lives, and the urgency to find a cure, are always present on our minds. 

Read some of the testimonials below so that you can learn how the HealthTree Foundation, our staff, and our programs, can change your life for the better when diagnosed with multiple myeloma. 

"[The HealthTree Foundation] made my life meaningful, gave me support when and where I needed it, taught me not to be overly frightened of "what comes next", helped me understand the nuances of the drugs and/or treatments I was taking, and introduced me to a whole new world of friends and family." - Sally Torgeson   

Sally is one of our coaches in the HealthTree Myeloma Coach program. She's an amazing addition to our HealthTree family!  

"HealthTree Foundation is a FANTASTIC resource to get educated and learn more about multiple myeloma. With this information, I have become a better advocate for myself". - Anonymous 

Did you know that you can watch free educational videos from multiple myeloma experts? We ask these specialists your most common questions and get answers for you to increase your myeloma education. Watch HealthTree University for Myeloma today!

"Having the ability to look up and hear other [doctor] discussions on treatments, side-effects, and...procedures was so helpful because my brain was going...100 [miles-per-hour] and I needed information now! [My] anxiety grew but it was lowered [by] watching the videos, talking to my coach. and listening to seminars and discussions of other patients with multiple myeloma. No one can completely prepare you for multiple myeloma but this foundation has been a God send. I really enjoyed the physical challenges they encourage because it is easy to just sit with your pain and do nothing. A BIG thank you for all your help!" - Anita 

Anita is a wonderful person and an active participant in HealthTree programs. She mentions several of those programs in her testimonial. If you're interested in listening to seminars, you can do so by accessing either of the following programs: 

"I have high risk multiple myeloma. I decided early on that I can either accept my diagnosis, learn as much as possible, reach out to people who have been through it and carry on with my life for as long as possible OR not face reality.

When given a cancer diagnosis it’s easy to feel like you have no control. Knowledge is power or control for me. And Health Tree has been great at offering round table/ conferences with [multiple myeloma] specialist to [myelonma] patients like me. I’ve learned a lot about the disease, how to interpret my bloodwork, possible drug combinations to fight it, new drugs that are coming on the market monthly and possible options after I relapse and need a new line of therapy. I’ve reached out to a few people in the coaching program and they have been quite supportive."  - Anonymous

We love hearing of community members who feel empowered by the different programs that we have worked so hard to develop. If you are wondering how to interpret your bloodwork or learn about future personalized myeloma treatment recommendations, you can access HealthTree Cure Hub and connect your medical records. 

HealthTree Cure Hub has many benefits. One of them is the ability to track your myeloma through your labs, access to a medical navigation support team to help explain said labs, and personalized recommendations for not only treatments, but clinical trials that you qualify for. 

If you would like to create a HealthTree Cure Hub account, do so today! Connecting your medical records in a private, secure, way has never been easier! 

Want to connect with our Patient Experience Team to find resources or better understand your myeloma labs? Contact them by calling or texting +1800 709 1113. You can also contact them by emailing 

We have many other community testimonials we are excited to share throughout Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Stay tuned and share with your myeloma communities! 

As we commemorate Blood Cancer Awareness Month this September, we wanted to celebrate the progress we have been able to make together over the last decade with you. 

We asked members of our community to fill out a survey indicating their favorite HealthTree programs and invited them to share how the HealthTree Foundation has affected their lives and the lives of their family members. 

The number of responses, as well as the quality of responses that we received, were incredibly moving. 

If you have been on the fence about diving into our programs, or if you have a loved one diagnosed with multiple myeloma, feel free to share this article with them so that our HealthTree Myeloma Community can continue to expand. 

Our HealthTree staff dedicates several hours of their time, energy, talents, and love to these programs because we genuinely care about the people we are helping. We recognize that the purpose of our jobs is greater than simply putting in the hours. The quality of your lives, and the urgency to find a cure, are always present on our minds. 

Read some of the testimonials below so that you can learn how the HealthTree Foundation, our staff, and our programs, can change your life for the better when diagnosed with multiple myeloma. 

"[The HealthTree Foundation] made my life meaningful, gave me support when and where I needed it, taught me not to be overly frightened of "what comes next", helped me understand the nuances of the drugs and/or treatments I was taking, and introduced me to a whole new world of friends and family." - Sally Torgeson   

Sally is one of our coaches in the HealthTree Myeloma Coach program. She's an amazing addition to our HealthTree family!  

"HealthTree Foundation is a FANTASTIC resource to get educated and learn more about multiple myeloma. With this information, I have become a better advocate for myself". - Anonymous 

Did you know that you can watch free educational videos from multiple myeloma experts? We ask these specialists your most common questions and get answers for you to increase your myeloma education. Watch HealthTree University for Myeloma today!

"Having the ability to look up and hear other [doctor] discussions on treatments, side-effects, and...procedures was so helpful because my brain was going...100 [miles-per-hour] and I needed information now! [My] anxiety grew but it was lowered [by] watching the videos, talking to my coach. and listening to seminars and discussions of other patients with multiple myeloma. No one can completely prepare you for multiple myeloma but this foundation has been a God send. I really enjoyed the physical challenges they encourage because it is easy to just sit with your pain and do nothing. A BIG thank you for all your help!" - Anita 

Anita is a wonderful person and an active participant in HealthTree programs. She mentions several of those programs in her testimonial. If you're interested in listening to seminars, you can do so by accessing either of the following programs: 

"I have high risk multiple myeloma. I decided early on that I can either accept my diagnosis, learn as much as possible, reach out to people who have been through it and carry on with my life for as long as possible OR not face reality.

When given a cancer diagnosis it’s easy to feel like you have no control. Knowledge is power or control for me. And Health Tree has been great at offering round table/ conferences with [multiple myeloma] specialist to [myelonma] patients like me. I’ve learned a lot about the disease, how to interpret my bloodwork, possible drug combinations to fight it, new drugs that are coming on the market monthly and possible options after I relapse and need a new line of therapy. I’ve reached out to a few people in the coaching program and they have been quite supportive."  - Anonymous

We love hearing of community members who feel empowered by the different programs that we have worked so hard to develop. If you are wondering how to interpret your bloodwork or learn about future personalized myeloma treatment recommendations, you can access HealthTree Cure Hub and connect your medical records. 

HealthTree Cure Hub has many benefits. One of them is the ability to track your myeloma through your labs, access to a medical navigation support team to help explain said labs, and personalized recommendations for not only treatments, but clinical trials that you qualify for. 

If you would like to create a HealthTree Cure Hub account, do so today! Connecting your medical records in a private, secure, way has never been easier! 

Want to connect with our Patient Experience Team to find resources or better understand your myeloma labs? Contact them by calling or texting +1800 709 1113. You can also contact them by emailing 

We have many other community testimonials we are excited to share throughout Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Stay tuned and share with your myeloma communities! 

The author Audrey Burton-Bethke

about the author
Audrey Burton-Bethke

Audrey is a content writer and editor for the HealthTree Foundation. She originally joined the HealthTree Foundation in 2020. Audrey loves spending time with her supportive husband, energetic four-year-old, and new baby.