Giving Tuesday- Our Mission: Empowering Patients from Diagnosis
Posted: Nov 18, 2020
Giving Tuesday- Our Mission: Empowering Patients from Diagnosis  image

The mission of the HealthTree Foundation is to improve patient outcomes by removing barriers to a cure. The HealthTree Foundation is a patient-driven, 501(c)3 non-profit organization that empowers patients with rare diseases at each step of their disease journey - from diagnosis, through education, care, and on to a cure using unique in-person and technical tools. 
At HealthTree, we don’t just want to state our mission, we want to make it a reality. Today we are sharing how we have been able to empower patients at the point of diagnosis thanks to donations like yours. Don’t miss our Giving Tuesday campaign on December 1st, 2020. 
Please note that all of these statements are being shared anonymously out of respect for the patients’ privacy. 

Patient 1: 

“I was recently diagnosed with Smoldering Multiple Myeloma. As this was totally unexpected, I initially felt lost, confused, and overwhelmed. I needed to gather as much information as possible so that I would be in the best possible position to consult with the best specialists, ask the right questions, and determine the best course of action. Fortunately, I came across HealthTree [Cure Hub]. 

This site has been an enormous source of comfort on so many levels. First, it has provided me with many resources and professional materials which explain my condition in a manner that is easy to understand. HealthTree stressed the importance of finding a myeloma specialist and provided a listing of the best centers/doctors in the NYC area where I live. The HeathTree university program has been outstanding as I’ve learned so much more about my condition. 

I’ve also been able to find out where clinical trials are located. Another very valuable feature has been the ability to find my medical “twin.” I have also had several supportive conversations with the person who founded the HealthTree organization. Overall, I have been greatly comforted by becoming associated with HealthTree. In a relatively brief period of time, I have learned an incredible amount of information about Multiple Myeloma and as a result, have been able to find the very best specialists to go to. I feel that HealthTree has helped to put me on the right path and as a result, my anxiety about my condition has lessened. I realize that people can live with this disease and that there are many treatment options. I highly recommend HealthTree [Cure Hub] to anyone who is newly diagnosed. This organization has truly been a Godsend."

Patient 2: 

"Not long ago, after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, the overarching question I faced daily was what is this disease?
Bit by bit, my understanding grew with each doctor visit and my hours spent on the internet reading various articles and postings. But major questions remained: how do I navigate the myriad blood and urine lab results? How do I digest what the doctors tell me? Are the prescribed drugs best for my diagnosis? After chromosome testing, what is the bigger picture in relation to future drug options? 
These complicated questions were not going away; in fact, they were multiplying and getting more complicated! Then one day during a medical office visit I asked about a resource, any resource, that would help.
Thankfully, I was told about HealthTree. I checked it out, joined, and have logged on almost weekly to better understand Multiple Myeloma.
The first thing I did was print out a resource of all the labs that are taken for this cancer. Then, I turned to articles on issues I wanted more information about. A few weeks ago, I reached out to the Coach program. And as recently as this month, I was given a new drug and because of HealthTree I had a better understanding of the drug and knew it had been recently approved for an easier, quicker infusion process and requested this option.
It is difficult to express how important HealthTree has become in the marathon all MM survivors find themselves. Before finding HealthTree I was often at a loss of what all this means. Now, while still having these struggles, I know I’m not alone and can learn about new, positive treatments that improve life today and about treatments that will give even more hope tomorrow.
HealthTree: the only multiple myeloma resource that is in one place, online, accessible to all, at all hours, with information that is up-to-date, world-based, and purposed for the most important people in this group: Multiple Myeloma Survivors."


Donate Now


Matching Gifts

Did you know that many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among the employees? By simply completing a matching gift form online you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your donation! Contributions of any amount help contribute and fund groundbreaking research for high-risk diseases. 

Use the search field below to see if your employee participants in the matching gift program. For questions regarding your matching gift, please email

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation


If you would like to know more or join any of the programs that they mentioned above click the links below. 

HealthTree Cure Hub:

HealthTree University:

Myeloma Coach:

Have you or someone that you know benefitted from Myeloma Crowd resources or programs? 
Comment your positive experiences below. And don’t forget to donate or share with friends and family on December 1st to make more of these success stories possible! 


The mission of the HealthTree Foundation is to improve patient outcomes by removing barriers to a cure. The HealthTree Foundation is a patient-driven, 501(c)3 non-profit organization that empowers patients with rare diseases at each step of their disease journey - from diagnosis, through education, care, and on to a cure using unique in-person and technical tools. 
At HealthTree, we don’t just want to state our mission, we want to make it a reality. Today we are sharing how we have been able to empower patients at the point of diagnosis thanks to donations like yours. Don’t miss our Giving Tuesday campaign on December 1st, 2020. 
Please note that all of these statements are being shared anonymously out of respect for the patients’ privacy. 

Patient 1: 

“I was recently diagnosed with Smoldering Multiple Myeloma. As this was totally unexpected, I initially felt lost, confused, and overwhelmed. I needed to gather as much information as possible so that I would be in the best possible position to consult with the best specialists, ask the right questions, and determine the best course of action. Fortunately, I came across HealthTree [Cure Hub]. 

This site has been an enormous source of comfort on so many levels. First, it has provided me with many resources and professional materials which explain my condition in a manner that is easy to understand. HealthTree stressed the importance of finding a myeloma specialist and provided a listing of the best centers/doctors in the NYC area where I live. The HeathTree university program has been outstanding as I’ve learned so much more about my condition. 

I’ve also been able to find out where clinical trials are located. Another very valuable feature has been the ability to find my medical “twin.” I have also had several supportive conversations with the person who founded the HealthTree organization. Overall, I have been greatly comforted by becoming associated with HealthTree. In a relatively brief period of time, I have learned an incredible amount of information about Multiple Myeloma and as a result, have been able to find the very best specialists to go to. I feel that HealthTree has helped to put me on the right path and as a result, my anxiety about my condition has lessened. I realize that people can live with this disease and that there are many treatment options. I highly recommend HealthTree [Cure Hub] to anyone who is newly diagnosed. This organization has truly been a Godsend."

Patient 2: 

"Not long ago, after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, the overarching question I faced daily was what is this disease?
Bit by bit, my understanding grew with each doctor visit and my hours spent on the internet reading various articles and postings. But major questions remained: how do I navigate the myriad blood and urine lab results? How do I digest what the doctors tell me? Are the prescribed drugs best for my diagnosis? After chromosome testing, what is the bigger picture in relation to future drug options? 
These complicated questions were not going away; in fact, they were multiplying and getting more complicated! Then one day during a medical office visit I asked about a resource, any resource, that would help.
Thankfully, I was told about HealthTree. I checked it out, joined, and have logged on almost weekly to better understand Multiple Myeloma.
The first thing I did was print out a resource of all the labs that are taken for this cancer. Then, I turned to articles on issues I wanted more information about. A few weeks ago, I reached out to the Coach program. And as recently as this month, I was given a new drug and because of HealthTree I had a better understanding of the drug and knew it had been recently approved for an easier, quicker infusion process and requested this option.
It is difficult to express how important HealthTree has become in the marathon all MM survivors find themselves. Before finding HealthTree I was often at a loss of what all this means. Now, while still having these struggles, I know I’m not alone and can learn about new, positive treatments that improve life today and about treatments that will give even more hope tomorrow.
HealthTree: the only multiple myeloma resource that is in one place, online, accessible to all, at all hours, with information that is up-to-date, world-based, and purposed for the most important people in this group: Multiple Myeloma Survivors."


Donate Now


Matching Gifts

Did you know that many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among the employees? By simply completing a matching gift form online you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your donation! Contributions of any amount help contribute and fund groundbreaking research for high-risk diseases. 

Use the search field below to see if your employee participants in the matching gift program. For questions regarding your matching gift, please email

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation


If you would like to know more or join any of the programs that they mentioned above click the links below. 

HealthTree Cure Hub:

HealthTree University:

Myeloma Coach:

Have you or someone that you know benefitted from Myeloma Crowd resources or programs? 
Comment your positive experiences below. And don’t forget to donate or share with friends and family on December 1st to make more of these success stories possible! 


The author Audrey Burton

about the author
Audrey Burton

Audrey is a content writer and editor for the HealthTree Foundation. She originally joined the HealthTree Foundation in 2020. Audrey loves spending time with her supportive husband, energetic four-year-old, and new baby.