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Gaining Motivation and Accountability on your Journey

Posted: Sep 10, 2020
Gaining Motivation and Accountability on your Journey  image
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. To celebrate the Month, the Myeloma Crowd is running a 30 day Muscles4Myeloma Fitness Challenge. Get moving, track your minutes and win prizes! 

We are well on our way to hitting the goal with our Muscles4Myeloma September Blood Cancer Awareness month. We are excited to announce that with over 400 participants and in just 10 days, we are at 130,300 minutes of activity.  Patients and caregivers are rallying together to keep each other accountable, provide support and encouragement. It's a great reminder when establishing new goals, especially fitness and health related goals, to want to pick activities that excite and motivate you.  Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  1. Pick an activity you love. If you don’t like it, it won’t get you out of bed ready to do it. 
  2. Walk your dog (or your neighbor's dog). It’s a double bonus, not only will you improve your mood, cardiovascular health, and endurance but you’ll get to share that with your dog.  
  3. Get up and stretch! Incorporating stretching in your routine will help protect you against injury. Try spending a few minutes prior to your workout stretching your legs, calves, shoulders and arms. Repeat after you're done with exercising, but do it longer. Many report that their end-of-workout stretch is their favorite part of their routine.
  4. Go with a friend: Pick an accountability partner to join you. Enjoying your favorite activities with a friend or spouse will keep you more motivated.
  5. Plan it: Either make an appointment in your calendar or build that time into your schedule you will be more likely to make it happen. Your workout appointment is just as important as, say, a doctor's appointment or a departing flight. Your health matters! Make it a priority.
  6. Try something new: Pick a workout class or sport you've never tried before (or haven't done in a long time) and go for it. Horseback riding, yoga, spin class, swimming... You never know, you might end up with a new passion.
  7. Explore a new place (on foot... or on a bike): Walk new streets, find new hiking paths, go for a walk and look for wildlife or budding flowers. Fresh air and vitamin D is amazing for your spirit (and your muscles).

Patti Warren, MM patient since 2012, has been participating in the Muscles for Myeloma Columbus events since 2015. Having these races each year have been motivating and encouraging for her. Connecting with fellow patients, caregivers and families has been a huge support to her. This year Patti decided to bring the race to her community in Fayetteville, we made it a virtual event with amazing support. Patti shares with us:

“I am very blessed, even though the race went virtual some of my family and friends showed up early Saturday morning to walk it with me. They all showed up ready to go, playing music, laughing and having a good time. Doesn’t get any better than that!!...I am not saying I don’t have bad days because I do. Having my husband, our kids, our grandkids, (our 5th one was born the night before the race), brothers, sisters, in-law’s and friends they make those bad days easier to deal with. I couldn’t ask for a better support team.. I am looking forward to next year's race, hopefully it will be in person.”

This year was the first event in Fayetteville and hosted 58 participants, raising $3,100 for myeloma research. Great job Patti! 


Thanks to our Muscles for Myeloma sponsors

Sanofi         Adaptive Technologies.       



September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month. To celebrate the Month, the Myeloma Crowd is running a 30 day Muscles4Myeloma Fitness Challenge. Get moving, track your minutes and win prizes! 

We are well on our way to hitting the goal with our Muscles4Myeloma September Blood Cancer Awareness month. We are excited to announce that with over 400 participants and in just 10 days, we are at 130,300 minutes of activity.  Patients and caregivers are rallying together to keep each other accountable, provide support and encouragement. It's a great reminder when establishing new goals, especially fitness and health related goals, to want to pick activities that excite and motivate you.  Here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  1. Pick an activity you love. If you don’t like it, it won’t get you out of bed ready to do it. 
  2. Walk your dog (or your neighbor's dog). It’s a double bonus, not only will you improve your mood, cardiovascular health, and endurance but you’ll get to share that with your dog.  
  3. Get up and stretch! Incorporating stretching in your routine will help protect you against injury. Try spending a few minutes prior to your workout stretching your legs, calves, shoulders and arms. Repeat after you're done with exercising, but do it longer. Many report that their end-of-workout stretch is their favorite part of their routine.
  4. Go with a friend: Pick an accountability partner to join you. Enjoying your favorite activities with a friend or spouse will keep you more motivated.
  5. Plan it: Either make an appointment in your calendar or build that time into your schedule you will be more likely to make it happen. Your workout appointment is just as important as, say, a doctor's appointment or a departing flight. Your health matters! Make it a priority.
  6. Try something new: Pick a workout class or sport you've never tried before (or haven't done in a long time) and go for it. Horseback riding, yoga, spin class, swimming... You never know, you might end up with a new passion.
  7. Explore a new place (on foot... or on a bike): Walk new streets, find new hiking paths, go for a walk and look for wildlife or budding flowers. Fresh air and vitamin D is amazing for your spirit (and your muscles).

Patti Warren, MM patient since 2012, has been participating in the Muscles for Myeloma Columbus events since 2015. Having these races each year have been motivating and encouraging for her. Connecting with fellow patients, caregivers and families has been a huge support to her. This year Patti decided to bring the race to her community in Fayetteville, we made it a virtual event with amazing support. Patti shares with us:

“I am very blessed, even though the race went virtual some of my family and friends showed up early Saturday morning to walk it with me. They all showed up ready to go, playing music, laughing and having a good time. Doesn’t get any better than that!!...I am not saying I don’t have bad days because I do. Having my husband, our kids, our grandkids, (our 5th one was born the night before the race), brothers, sisters, in-law’s and friends they make those bad days easier to deal with. I couldn’t ask for a better support team.. I am looking forward to next year's race, hopefully it will be in person.”

This year was the first event in Fayetteville and hosted 58 participants, raising $3,100 for myeloma research. Great job Patti! 


Thanks to our Muscles for Myeloma sponsors

Sanofi         Adaptive Technologies.       



The author Linnley Sweeney

about the author
Linnley Sweeney

Linnley joined the HealthTree Foundation in January 2020 as the Fitness Events Manager. Her husband is a childhood cancer survivor as well as a cancer biologist. Finding a cure, better treatments, and balance through treatments is what drives their family. Linnley is an Advanced Cancer Exercise Specialist and focuses on finding what you can do rather than can't.

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