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Building Community through Activity

Posted: Sep 24, 2020
Building Community through Activity image

We are almost to the goal with our  Muscles4Myeloma September Blood Cancer Awareness month. We are excited to announce that with over 485 participants, we are at 319,500 minutes, 91% of the way to our 350,000 minutes of activity goal.  Patients and family members are sticking together in encouragement, sharing their stories and support to one another. We are receiving so many messages of “thanks” from our participants because of the support, encouragement and knowing they aren’t alone in their journeys. 

Building community and support is essential in our fight for a cure. It’s been a blessing for so many in this challenge to see others from around the world show support, and know they aren’t alone.  Myeloma patient and participant of our September challenge Nancy Emery shares her journey with us:

“I am not a “joiner” and surprised myself by signing up, however, I got hooked right away. It has made a huge difference for me, and for many of my fellow Myelomans. I can tell by reading participants' posts and comments.” 

Here are a few other quotes from our September challenge participants:

“This challenge is just the motivation I needed to keep moving, every single day! My diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma 4+ years ago was devastating. On that day, my life changed forever…”

“It never takes a rest or a day off. I am a rule follower. I know what I need to do. I have learned that “moderation” is my friend. I try not to obsess about food, exercise, sleep or anything else. The stress of obsessing simply makes everything worse. I have come so far since that first day. My words of encouragement to those recently diagnosed: It gets better. Lots better!And thanks again Myeloma Crowd for giving me this opportunity. Besides keeping me moving, it’s a reminder to me that I am not alone in this fight!”


Activity is important but so is rest and recovery 

As much as we want to stay active and hit our exercise goals it’s important to set goals for having a day of recovery and rest. The importance of rest is not to sit on the couch and just eat everything in the house, but have a day of the week to stretch, maintain healthy eating and meditate. A rest day doesn’t mean skipping out on working towards goals and lifestyle changes, it’s a reset for your body.

Athletes training for goals or races will add rest or recovery days into their schedule because the body needs the rest to recover to be stronger for harder training days. It’s important to  recognize signs like weakened muscle strength, dehydration, insomnia, injury and illness as hints to allow the body to recover. 

Plan a day to take time to rest this week from your workout and your daily routine. Nurturing the whole you means taking time to recover, feed your soul and take stock of life's most important things.  

"When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased." C.S. Lewis

Thanks to our Muscles for Myeloma sponsors:

Sanofi         Adaptive Technologies.       

We are almost to the goal with our  Muscles4Myeloma September Blood Cancer Awareness month. We are excited to announce that with over 485 participants, we are at 319,500 minutes, 91% of the way to our 350,000 minutes of activity goal.  Patients and family members are sticking together in encouragement, sharing their stories and support to one another. We are receiving so many messages of “thanks” from our participants because of the support, encouragement and knowing they aren’t alone in their journeys. 

Building community and support is essential in our fight for a cure. It’s been a blessing for so many in this challenge to see others from around the world show support, and know they aren’t alone.  Myeloma patient and participant of our September challenge Nancy Emery shares her journey with us:

“I am not a “joiner” and surprised myself by signing up, however, I got hooked right away. It has made a huge difference for me, and for many of my fellow Myelomans. I can tell by reading participants' posts and comments.” 

Here are a few other quotes from our September challenge participants:

“This challenge is just the motivation I needed to keep moving, every single day! My diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma 4+ years ago was devastating. On that day, my life changed forever…”

“It never takes a rest or a day off. I am a rule follower. I know what I need to do. I have learned that “moderation” is my friend. I try not to obsess about food, exercise, sleep or anything else. The stress of obsessing simply makes everything worse. I have come so far since that first day. My words of encouragement to those recently diagnosed: It gets better. Lots better!And thanks again Myeloma Crowd for giving me this opportunity. Besides keeping me moving, it’s a reminder to me that I am not alone in this fight!”


Activity is important but so is rest and recovery 

As much as we want to stay active and hit our exercise goals it’s important to set goals for having a day of recovery and rest. The importance of rest is not to sit on the couch and just eat everything in the house, but have a day of the week to stretch, maintain healthy eating and meditate. A rest day doesn’t mean skipping out on working towards goals and lifestyle changes, it’s a reset for your body.

Athletes training for goals or races will add rest or recovery days into their schedule because the body needs the rest to recover to be stronger for harder training days. It’s important to  recognize signs like weakened muscle strength, dehydration, insomnia, injury and illness as hints to allow the body to recover. 

Plan a day to take time to rest this week from your workout and your daily routine. Nurturing the whole you means taking time to recover, feed your soul and take stock of life's most important things.  

"When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased." C.S. Lewis

Thanks to our Muscles for Myeloma sponsors:

Sanofi         Adaptive Technologies.       

The author Linnley Sweeney

about the author
Linnley Sweeney

Linnley joined the HealthTree Foundation in January 2020 as the Fitness Events Manager. Her husband is a childhood cancer survivor as well as a cancer biologist. Finding a cure, better treatments, and balance through treatments is what drives their family. Linnley is an Advanced Cancer Exercise Specialist and focuses on finding what you can do rather than can't.

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Multiple Myeloma Sponsors:


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