Personal Protection from Infection - HealthTree for Blood Cancer
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Infection Prevention (4/4)

Last updated on: 10/18/2024

How can you protect yourself or your loved one from infection?

To protect yourself from infection, multiple myeloma specialists recommend you do the following: 

  1. Get vaccinated. If you don't have updated COVID-19, pneumonia, or flu shots, get them as soon as possible. Maintain your other vaccinations, such as tetanus and shingles, as well. If you have had a stem cell transplant, talk to your doctor and readminister your childhood vaccinations as needed.
  2. Consider wearing a high-quality mask (such as N95) in a crowded indoor area or on an airplane.
  3. Wash your hands frequently.  
  4. Keep your distance from those who are sick, even if they have a minor cold. 

It's important to balance living your life and protecting yourself from infection. Be wise in your decision-making, but don't live in fear. Have conversations with your doctor about your antibody levels so you can know your personal risk level of infection. 

For more information, watch our resources from HealthTree University on Infection Prevention.