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ASH 2023: A Multi-center, Retrospective Analysis of AML Patients

Posted: Feb 19, 2024
ASH 2023: A Multi-center, Retrospective Analysis of AML Patients image

Dr. Jan Bewersdorf from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center stopped by during the ASH 2023 conference to explain the results from their retrospective analysis of AML patient outcomes on two different lines of therapy. They wanted to see if there was a difference in patient outcomes between the two most common therapy options patients are given: intensive chemotherapy or hypomethylating agents (HMA’s) in combination with venetoclax. Watch the video below or continue reading to hear what they found.

Retrospective Analysis

It’s important to note that this is a retrospective analysis, not a clinical trial. A retrospective analysis can look back at patient data to look for things like patterns or similarities or to compare outcomes. This means they are not actively changing or adjusting anything like you would see in a clinical trial. In a retrospective analysis, they are just observing data.

In this particular retrospective analysis, Dr. Bewersdorf was looking at patient data from 2 subgroups of AML patients with the NPM1 mutation. He compared the outcomes of patients who received intensive chemotherapy and patients who were treated with HMA’s in combination with venetoclax. He then adjusted the analysis so that factors that typically affect prognosis (age, disease characteristics, mutations etc.) were accounted for. 


They found that there was no real difference in outcomes for patients who received intensive chemotherapy and those who were treated with HMA’s in combination with venetoclax. This finding has big potential implications for AML patients. Intensive chemotherapy requires a month-long hospital stay and often has serious side effects. HMA’s can typically be administered outpatient and have a different, more manageable set of side effects. 

These findings have the potential to encourage and inspire clinical trials in this area, which could change the way treatment is determined for AML patients. These findings are especially exciting and meaningful for patients who don’t qualify for intensive chemotherapy due to age or other factors. 

HealthTree CureHub

At HealthTree, we believe that patients are powerful and have an opportunity to contribute to research in an incredibly unique way. HealthTree Cure Hub empowers patients with the knowledge to actively participate in their health journeys while providing researchers with valuable insights from real-world experiences. HealthTree Cure Hub connects patients and researchers to not only accelerate the development of innovative treatments but also lays the foundation for a future where more educated patients and research leads to more effective and personalized cures. Visit HealthTree Cure Hub today to become an active participant in your care and contribute your unique experience to researchers to move closer to a cure. 
For assistance setting up your HealthTree Cure Hub account, reach out to our patient navigation team by phone: 1-800-709-1113 or email: support@healthtree.org

Dr. Jan Bewersdorf from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center stopped by during the ASH 2023 conference to explain the results from their retrospective analysis of AML patient outcomes on two different lines of therapy. They wanted to see if there was a difference in patient outcomes between the two most common therapy options patients are given: intensive chemotherapy or hypomethylating agents (HMA’s) in combination with venetoclax. Watch the video below or continue reading to hear what they found.

Retrospective Analysis

It’s important to note that this is a retrospective analysis, not a clinical trial. A retrospective analysis can look back at patient data to look for things like patterns or similarities or to compare outcomes. This means they are not actively changing or adjusting anything like you would see in a clinical trial. In a retrospective analysis, they are just observing data.

In this particular retrospective analysis, Dr. Bewersdorf was looking at patient data from 2 subgroups of AML patients with the NPM1 mutation. He compared the outcomes of patients who received intensive chemotherapy and patients who were treated with HMA’s in combination with venetoclax. He then adjusted the analysis so that factors that typically affect prognosis (age, disease characteristics, mutations etc.) were accounted for. 


They found that there was no real difference in outcomes for patients who received intensive chemotherapy and those who were treated with HMA’s in combination with venetoclax. This finding has big potential implications for AML patients. Intensive chemotherapy requires a month-long hospital stay and often has serious side effects. HMA’s can typically be administered outpatient and have a different, more manageable set of side effects. 

These findings have the potential to encourage and inspire clinical trials in this area, which could change the way treatment is determined for AML patients. These findings are especially exciting and meaningful for patients who don’t qualify for intensive chemotherapy due to age or other factors. 

HealthTree CureHub

At HealthTree, we believe that patients are powerful and have an opportunity to contribute to research in an incredibly unique way. HealthTree Cure Hub empowers patients with the knowledge to actively participate in their health journeys while providing researchers with valuable insights from real-world experiences. HealthTree Cure Hub connects patients and researchers to not only accelerate the development of innovative treatments but also lays the foundation for a future where more educated patients and research leads to more effective and personalized cures. Visit HealthTree Cure Hub today to become an active participant in your care and contribute your unique experience to researchers to move closer to a cure. 
For assistance setting up your HealthTree Cure Hub account, reach out to our patient navigation team by phone: 1-800-709-1113 or email: support@healthtree.org

The author Mary Arnett

about the author
Mary Arnett

Mary joined HealthTree in 2022. She works as the AML/MDS Community & Education Manager. She is passionate about giving power to patients through knowledge and health education. If she can help one patient feel more confident participating in discussions with their healthcare team and making treatment decisions, she will feel like she has succeeded. When she isn't working, she loves being an aunt, attending concerts, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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