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Clinical Expertise

  • Leukemia
  • Lymphomas


My work at Cincinnati Children’s stems from a desire to improve the quality of life and outcomes for children fighting cancer. I am board certified in both pediatrics and pediatric hematology/oncology.

Understanding the molecular drivers of leukemia, the adaptations that leukemia cells develop to become resistant to chemotherapy and its interactions with a patient’s immune system are key factors to improving cancer therapies. Appropriate therapy for pediatric leukemia requires a precision medicine approach to tailor therapy for the individual patient. Our leukemia/lymphoma team is constantly working locally, nationally and internationally to improve our options for therapy and decrease.


Cincinnati Children's Hospital: 3333 Burnet Ave Building B, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA

Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sponsors:

Astellas Pharma

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