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Increasing Awareness of Myeloma in the Black Communities and How You Can Help Spread The Word
Increasing Awareness of Myeloma in the Black Communities and How You Can Help Spread The Word image
Black Myeloma Health Community
event Mar 23, 2023 / 02:00PM - 03:00PM EDT

Event Description

Although African Americans are twice as likely to receive a myeloma diagnosis, most have never heard of the disease. As we celebrate Myeloma Awareness Month, we welcome Matt Murtha with Janssen to discuss the That’s My Word Campaign to spread awareness about myeloma in the Black community. Marsha Calloway-Campbell will provide an update on the Black Myeloma Health Initiative and discuss ways that you can get involved to help spread the word.

Schedule & Agenda

The panelist Valarie Traynham
2:00 PM
Valarie Traynham

Valarie introduces the agenda of the event and featured speakers Matt Murtha and Marsha Calloway-Campbell.

2:05 PM
Matt Murtha and Marsha Calloway-Campbell

Matt Murtha with Janssen to discuss the That’s My Word Campaign to spread awareness about myeloma in the Black community.

Marsha talks about the Black Myeloma Health Initiative and discusses ways that you can get involved to help spread the word.

Questions and Answers
2:35 PM

Type your questions in the chat and we will answer them! 

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Valarie Traynham
Valarie Traynham

Valarie embarked on her myeloma journey back in 2015, and ever since she's been on a mission. As a resilient myeloma thriver, her passion lies in not just navigating her own path but also in illuminating the journey for others. With a steadfast commitment to understanding the intricacies of the disease, she champions education, shedding light on health inequities that often lurk in the shadows. Driven by a profound belief in fairness, Valarie tirelessly advocates for equitable access to top-tier healthcare, clinical trials, and tailored treatments. Her journey as a beacon of knowledge and support began when she assumed the role of a support group leader. Today, she continues to extend her hand as a myeloma coach, mentor angel, and the guiding force behind the Black Myeloma Health Community. Valarie's voice echoes far and wide as she fearlessly confronts the disparities faced by myeloma patients. Through collaborative efforts with healthcare providers, she strives to forge pathways to solutions, ensuring that every individual receives the care they deserve. Join Valarie on her journey of empowerment and advocacy as she lights the way toward a brighter, more equitable future in myeloma care.

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The panelist Marsha Calloway-Campbell, JD
Marsha Calloway-Campbell, JD

Marsha's dedication to bringing awareness and education to our communities is personal. She is a caregiver to her husband who has multiple myeloma and has witnessed the blessing of a supportive village as her family continues to navigate this journey. She's led to give back and to do all that she can to help other families obtain the knowledge that will empower and enlighten them regarding myeloma. Prayerfully, this knowledge will lead to the best possible care which, in turn, will facilitate the best possible outcomes. Although a lawyer and consultant, Marsha finds time to work with the myeloma community all while enjoying time with her husband, 3 adult daughters and young grandson.

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The panelist Matt Murtha
Matt Murtha

Matt Murtha is a Product Director of Multiple Myeloma Patient Experience Marketing at Janssen. He is passionate about bringing life to patient stories and helping to spread awareness of MM. He is currently working to help address Health Equity in MM through the “That’s My Word” campaign. That’s My Word is a movement bringing together the Black patient community, care leaders, HCPs, and advocacy organizations to collect 100,000 Promises to create better health outcomes for those at risk of MM. To learn more and make a promise visit www.thatsmywordmm.com or follow the movement on Facebook+Instagram @thatsmywordmm

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Multiple Myeloma Sponsors:

Johnson and Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb

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