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NorthEast Myeloma Community: A Focus on Mental Health
NorthEast Myeloma Community: A Focus on Mental Health image
NorthEast Myeloma Community
event Feb 09, 2023 / 06:30PM - 08:00PM EST

Event Description

We often speak of physical health when it comes to myeloma, but what about mental health? When it comes to taking care of your emotions and well-being, it can often be an uncomfortable subject or one with little exposure. Join us as we share resources and ideas for maintaining a healthy mindset while navigating a myeloma diagnosis. We will hear from myeloma patient, Marty Singer, as he shares how his mental myeloma journey has been and what he has applied over the years to understand and best take care of his mental health. We look forward to a session in which we all can connect.

Schedule & Agenda

The panelist Audrey Burton-Bethke
Audrey Burton-Bethke

Audrey introduces the agenda of the event and featured speaker Marty Singer.

Member Spotlight
The panelist Marty Singer
Marty Singer

Marty Singer shares his mental myeloma journey.

Questions and Answers
Type your questions in the chat and we will answer them!
Announcements and Post Meeting Mingle

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Audrey Burton-Bethke
Audrey Burton-Bethke

Audrey joined the HealthTree Foundation as the Myeloma Community Program Director in 2020. While not knowing much about myeloma at the start, she has since worked hard to educate herself, empathize and learn from others' experiences. She loves this job. Audrey is passionate about serving others, loves learning, and enjoys a nice mug of hot chocolate no matter the weather.

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The panelist Marty Singer
Marty Singer

I was diagnosed with MM in Nov of 2015. Lesions had formed on my spine and I fractured a vertebra along with spinal compression. I had my stem cells harvested in December of the same year in preparation for my 1st SCT which took place in June of 2016. I went into remission and my Oncologist had recommended that I have a 2nd SCT.  Since I was already in remission, I did not want to have a second one. After many discussions with him and members of my medical team, I had my 2nd SCT in January of 2017. The 2nd SCT was much easier to tolerate and it drove me into deep remission which is where I've been ever since. I follow all the instructions set forth by my medical team and I'm feeling great! I do suffer from neuropathy which is a common side effect of chemo and I have constant pain from the cracked vertebrae. I am able to get around without any assistance but I do keep a cane in my car.

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Have Any Questions?

Thank you for your interest in the event. If you have any questions, we would love to help!

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