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Clinical Trials for Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Patients with John Rosengard
Clinical Trials for Newly Diagnosed Myeloma Patients with John Rosengard image
Newly Diagnosed Myeloma
event May 26, 2022 / 07:00PM - 08:00PM EDT

Event Description

Clinical Trials are often considered for those at the end of their treatment who are in need of novel therapies. But is there a need for newly diagnosed patients to participate in clinical trials as well? Come hear the patient experience of myeloma patient, John Rosengard, who participated in the GRIFFIN trial when he was newly diagnosed.

Schedule & Agenda

Audrey Burton-Bethkee
Audrey introduces the agenda of the event and featured speaker Dr. John Rosengard.
John Rosengard
Josh talks about participating in the GRIFFIN trial when he was newly diagnosed.
Questions and Answers
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Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Audrey Burton-Bethke
Audrey Burton-Bethke

Audrey joined the HealthTree Foundation as the Myeloma Community Program Director in 2020. While not knowing much about myeloma at the start, she has since worked hard to educate herself, empathize and learn from others' experiences. She loves this job. Audrey is passionate about serving others, loves learning, and enjoys a nice mug of hot chocolate no matter the weather.

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The panelist John Rosengard
John Rosengard

John Rosengard is a multiple myeloma survivor from Oakland, California. He is a patient of Dr. Nina Shah at UCSF and participated in the GRIFFIN clinical trial from 2017-2021. He works in the environmental cleanup field and worked full time through treatment…except for the weeks after the 2018 stem cell transplant! He is a MyelomaTree coach and active supporter of his fellow patients.

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The panelist Todd Foster
Todd Foster

Todd Foster is the head of Product at HealthTree, he is an IT healthcare executive who specializes in patient experience and clinical process improvements. Todd was director of Patient and Provider Experience at MD Anderson for over a decade. Prior experience includes leadership of IT development projects at Intermountain HealthCare and United HealthCare. Todd has a passion for using technology that can help patients have a better life and along the way, help to further research for a cure.

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Multiple Myeloma Sponsors:

Johnson and Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb

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