Kashyap Patel, MD - HealthTree Polycythemia Vera Directory
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  • Multiple Myeloma


Kashyap Patel is the CEO of Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates. Dr. Patel is a full time practicing medical oncologist, board certified in Hematology, Oncology, and Internal Medicine. He is vice president for the Community Oncology Alliance (COA). He is also chairman of the newly formed Biosimilars committee for the COA. He is a chair elect for the clinical affairs and trustee for the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC). He is also a member of the CPC committee for the ASCO and NCQA. He has been an advisor for the large payers including DHHS (SC), Palmetto GBA. He also serves on an advisory board for Medicaid HMOs. He has a special interest in health care policy and economics and the end of life care. He recently joined International Oncology Network as medical director. He has expertise in Value Based Care and has successfully led Oncology Care Model pilots with two payers including with CMMI (new division of CMS).



Carolina Blood and Cancer Care: 1583 Health Care Dr, Rock Hill, SC 29732, USA

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