Francesca Cottini, MD - HealthTree Multiple Myeloma Directory
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  • Multiple Myeloma


I am a hematologist who specializes in the treatment of patients with plasma cell disorders, such as multiple myeloma and amyloidosis. I completed my residency and hematology/medical oncology fellowship here at The Ohio State University, where I became passionate about how the immune system affects myeloma growth, response to therapy and risk of infections. As a cancer-treating physician, my goal is to tailor therapies, reduce toxicities and improve the quality of life of my patients. At the OSUCCC – James, we work as a multidisciplinary team to identify and test innovative therapeutic approaches in the lab that can be rapidly applied to patients in the clinic. This derives from the perfect interactions between bench research, drug development efforts and clinical care.


The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center: 460 W 10th Ave, Columbus, OH 43210, USA

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