Hendrik van Deventer, MD
Multiple Myeloma Specialist
Specialities: Multiple Myeloma
Spoken languages: English
Specialities: Multiple Myeloma
Spoken languages: English
In 2000, Dr. Van Deventer began a laboratory-based career with the observation that CCR5-/- mice developed fewer experimental metastases than wild-type mice. Over the course of the next 14 years, his lab focused on the mechanism behind this phenomenon. They went on to show that fibrocytes were responsible for increasing metastases. Furthermore, they substantiated our murine model by presenting data that fibrocytes promoted the progression of myeloma. He then moved on to focus on clinical research through collaborations with the School of Pharmacy. His interest has been on clinical questions that are relevant but often overlooked in larger trials. He considers his main accomplishment to be giving UNC pharmacy residents the opportunity participate in clinical research with the goal of publication.
UNC Lineberger Comphrehensive Cancer Center: 101 Manning Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA
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