Cindy Varga, MD - HealthTree Multiple Myeloma Directory
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Clinical Expertise

  • Multiple myeloma
  • Amyloidosis


“I absolutely love what I do. The research into multiple myeloma and amyloidosis has been excelling at an amazing pace. I want to be a part of the progress and take patients on a journey to disease remission and hopefully to a cure one day.”

Dr. Varga is board certified in internal medicine and hematology (blood disorders). She has a clinical interest in the diagnosis and treatment of blood cancers, particularly multiple myeloma. She also has a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions resulting in abnormal protein buildup in the blood or organs, including amyloidosis and monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance.

Dr. Varga has enrolled patients in clinical trials for amyloid nephropathy research (research into diseases related to abnormal protein deposits).

She received her medical degree at the University of Montreal, completed residency at McGill University and a fellowship at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Dr. Varga is married with 3 kids. Her favorite activities outside of work are running and biking. She has been doing marathons, duathlons and triathlons for more than 20 years.


Atrium Health Levine Cancer Institute: 15830 Ballantyne Medical Pl, Charlotte, NC 28277, USA

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