Maung Myo Htut, MD - HealthTree Myelodysplastic Syndromes Directory
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  • Multiple Myeloma 


Dr. Htut is determined to find more effective treatments for multiple myeloma, a rare blood cancer that strikes about 30,000 Americans each year. He believes the body's own immune system may hold the key. He's especially excited about the potential of CAR T cells – immune cells taken from the patient, re-engineered to destroy cancer, then re-introduced.

“It’s like we’re taking infantry soldiers and training them to be Navy SEALs whose only job is to find and kill these cancer cells,” he says.

A native of Myanmar, Dr. Htut received his medical degree at Yangon's Institute of Medicine. After interning at Yangon General Hospital he completed his residency at Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, as well as fellowships at University of Colorado and here at City of Hope.

Dr. Htut is conducting multiple clinical trials examining immunotherapy options for multiple myeloma. Rounding out a decade at City of Hope, Dr. Htut says it is the “best place to take care of patients as well as doing research.”



City Of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center: 1500 E Duarte Rd, Duarte, CA 91010, USA

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