How Effective are Venetoclax + Rituximab? - HealthTree for Leukemia
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How Effective are Venetoclax + Rituximab?

Last updated on: 1/6/2025

Venetoclax + Rituximab Second Line Response

If you are taking VenR as your second line of therapy, listed below is how likely, on average, the treatment combination will be effective for treating CLL. 

Response Type Percentage of Patients
Patients who experienced undetectable minimal residual disease (uMRD) in a blood sample taken three months after completing the two-year treatment  54%
Patients who experienced a complete response (two months after treatment, patients' blood counts returned to normal, and the spleen and lymph nodes were not enlarged) 8%
Patients who experienced a partial response (CLL cells were partially reduced) after treatment.  82%


How Long Will Venetoclax + Rituximab Manage CLL? (Progression-Free Survival)

On average, this is how long venetoclax + rituximab will help you achieve progression-free survival (PFS) based on the CLL type. PFS refers to the amount of time the cancer has not progressed and/or patients have been alive since the start of treatment. 

CLL Genetic Status Years of PFS
All patient group average 4.5
Without del(17p)/TP53 mutation 4.7
With del(17p)/TP53 mutation 3.1
Mutated IGHV >5
Unmutated IGHV 4.4

*At the 5-year check-in since the start of treatment, 72.7% of mutated IGHV patients continued to maintain control over CLL. 

Unfortunately, the data about the effectiveness of venetoclax + rituximab comes from its testing after chemoimmunotherapy, not from its use as a second treatment after first-line venetoclax or a BTK inhibitor. We expect these responses and PFS data to likely not be as good as if a targeted therapy had been used as the first treatment before VenR. 

Side Effect Profile of Venetoclax + Rituximab for CLL

The percentage of people with CLL who experience mild-moderate versions of common side effects from VenR is shown below.

Side Effect Percentage of Patients Affected
Neutropenia 65%
Diarrhea 40%
Upper respiratory tract infection 39%
Fatigue 22%
Nausea 21%


For more information on these side effects, you can visit the Side Effects Management section of this guide.

For more information on the side effects of VenR, visit the Venclexta Medication Guide.

Financial Resources for Venetoclax + Rituximab

Click here to locate financial resources for venetoclax. For additional resources, click here to visit the financial support section of the guide.