Fixed-Duration Therapies Patient Perspective - HealthTree for Leukemia
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Fixed-Duration Therapies Patient Perspective

Last updated on: 1/6/2025

Janice, a CLL patient, shared the following with us about her first obinutuzumab infusion after she started to react to the treatment (patients can experience rash, shallow breathing, or flushing with their first infusion): 

“It would have been nice to know…what to look for and not feel uncertain if I should speak up. Patients need to not be afraid to speak up because if they’re experiencing those reactions…they need to stop the infusion temporarily, treat you with a steroid, give you some oxygen, and then they can start it back up again with no more side effects. The body then goes, “Oh, I’ve had this before,” with no more complications.”

Janice also shared the following regarding her experience with venetoclax: 

“If I ever had to be treated for CLL again, I would once again choose venetoclax. The pills were easy to take and the side effects were manageable”.  

Do you have additional insights about fixed-duration CLL therapies you would like to share? Click the button below to submit your perspective for us to include in the next version of this guide! 

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