Fatigue - HealthTree for Leukemia
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Last updated on: 1/6/2025

What Causes Fatigue in People with CLL? 

Fatigue is a state of persistent tiredness or weakness, which can be physical, mental, or a combination of both.

Causes of CLL-related fatigue include: 

  1. The cancer itself: CLL can cause fatigue via its interaction with the body's immune system.  
  2. Inflammation: CLL therapies can cause inflammation, contributing to fatigue. 
  3. Decreased red blood cells (anemia): CLL treatments can lower red blood cell counts, leading to anemia and fatigue. 
  4. Mitochondrial dysfunction: Some therapies may impair mitochondrial function, reducing cellular energy production and causing fatigue.
  5. Treatment-related stress: Managing a chronic illness can cause physical and emotional stress, which often leads to fatigue. 

How is CLL-Related Fatigue Managed?

Fatigue in CLL can be managed through several strategies:

  1. Medical management: Address anemia with transfusions or medications, manage inflammation with anti-inflammatory medications or other strategies listed here, and support overall health to mitigate mitochondrial dysfunction.
  2. Treatment adjustments: Your doctor may adjust your CLL therapy if fatigue is severe.
  3. Supportive care: Eat a diet with nutrient-dense foods, engage in gentle exercise, and strive to have adequate sleep.
  4. Mental health support: Seek counseling from a mental health therapist to manage emotional stress. These professionals can also help you receive mental health medications to help improve your emotional state. Additionally, joining patient support groups may benefit you.
  5. Lifestyle adjustments: Balance activity and rest. Use stress management techniques such as pacing to conserve energy.

These approaches help address the various causes of fatigue and support overall well-being.

Click here to watch a webinar where a physical therapist shares some tips on how to manage CLL-related fatigue.