Menin Inhibitors 101 with Dr. Joshua Zeidner - HealthTree for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
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Menin Inhibitors 101 with Dr. Joshua Zeidner

Menin Inhibitors 101 with Dr. Joshua Zeidner image

Menin Inhibitors 101 with Dr. Joshua Zeidner

Adult AML Chapter
event Jul 09, 2024 / 05:00PM EDT
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Event Description

What are menin inhibitors? How are they used in AML care? Listen to this pre-recorded podcast episode to hear Dr. Joshua Zeidner, an AML expert and lead researcher in menin inhibitors, answer these questions and more by sharing data from one of his recent studies.

Schedule & Agenda

The panelist Dr. Joshua Zeidner
5:00 PM
Dr. Joshua Zeidner

Mary Arnett interviews Dr. Joshua Zeidner on all things menin inhibitors and Dr. Zeidner's recent study.

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Mary Arnett
Mary Arnett
Salt Lake City, UT

Mary joined HealthTree in 2022. She is now the AML & MDS Community and Education Manager. She is passionate about giving power to patients through knowledge and health education. If she can help one patient feel more confident participating in discussions with their healthcare team and making treatment decisions, she will feel like she has succeeded. When she isn't advocating for patients, she loves being an aunt, attending concerts, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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The panelist Dr. Joshua Zeidner
Dr. Joshua Zeidner
Chapel Hill, NC

Dr. Zeidner specializes in the management of patients with acute leukemia, MDS, and MPNs. His research focuses on developing innovative methods to improve clinical outcomes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Dr. Zeidner is the Chief of the Leukemia Research Program at the University of North Carolina.

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