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The Caregiver's Role in Side Effect Management
The Caregiver's Role in Side Effect Management image
AML Caregivers Chapter
event Jul 20, 2022 / 02:00PM - 03:00PM EDT

Event Description

Side effect management often falls upon the caregiver when the patient doesn't feel well and they do not have the strength to care for themselves. It is important for caregivers to feel that they are well equipped with the knowledge they need to assume the role of side effect manager whether that's knowing how to care for the symptoms directly or identifying when its necessary to call the medical team. 

Here to provide some valuable advice on the management of common AML side effects is Dr. Sara Tinsley, who spends plenty of time in her role as a hematology nurse practitioner guiding patients and their caregivers through treatment and recovery. 

Come with your questions and participate in the discussion with fellow caregivers in your AML community!

Schedule & Agenda

Katie Braswell
Katie introduces the agenda for the event and featured speaker Dr. Sara Tinsley
Dr. Sara Tinsley
Dr. Tinsley will provide her presentation discussing how AML caregivers can play a role in side effect management
Questions and Answers
Type your questions in the chat and Dr. Tinsley will answer them!

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Katie Braswell
Katie Braswell
Dallas, Texas

Katie joined the HealthTree Foundation as the Community Director for AML in 2021. She is a registered dietitian who previously worked at the VA hospital in Dallas, Texas where she coached veterans with blood cancer on how to use nutrition to improve their treatment outcomes and minimize cancer-related side effects. Katie is passionate about health education and patient empowerment. In her spare time, she loves to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen, spend time running outdoors, and travel to new places.

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The panelist Sara Tinsley PhD, APRN, AOCN
Sara Tinsley PhD, APRN, AOCN
Tampa, Florida

Sara Tinsley is an advanced practice registered nurse specializing in providing care to patients diagnosed with hematologic malignancies in the Moffitt Cancer Center Department of Malignant Hematology. She has been practicing as a hematology nurse practitioner at Moffitt for 30 years, 11 years in Blood and Marrow Transplant, 2 years in patient triage and the past 17 years in Malignant Hematology. She is a member of the leukemia research team and specializes in the care of patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, aplastic anemia, and other bone marrow failure syndromes.

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Have Any Questions?

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sponsors:

Astellas Pharma

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