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Let's ALL help ~ each and every person in HealthTree’s myeloma community 

Help us increase awareness for African Americans

Help us increase education for African Americans

Help us empower African Americans as they face healthcare disparities and inequities

INSERT HELP & SUPPORT ICON - "As you give, you shall receive"


We encourage involvement and engagement in many volunteer opportunities. Here's how you can help:


    • Become an ambassadors to champion our programs – sharing this initiative with friends, support groups, churches, sororities, fraternities, professional organizations, family reunions, email blasts. Ask us for brochures and our electronic Snapshot that focuses on myeloma and the African American population
    • Help identify potential partnerships with local and national organizations
    • Participate in local health fairs/expos 
    • Leave brochures with the office of your specialist/cancer center, encouraging them to share with African American patients
    • Write and contribute relevant content that's pertinent to the African American community regarding myeloma, MGUS and smoldering myeloma
    • "Let's Talk About Myeloma" video series/short stories - for patients and caregivers to share their own unique story
    • Volunteer to participate on the African American Myeloma Speakers Panel - sharing your journey with other organizations
    • Help identify African American topics to be included in the new Myeloma library
  • Email marsha@healthtree.org to learn further details regarding each volunteer opportunity

Let's ALL help ~ each and every person in HealthTree’s myeloma community 

Help us increase awareness for African Americans

Help us increase education for African Americans

Help us empower African Americans as they face healthcare disparities and inequities

INSERT HELP & SUPPORT ICON - "As you give, you shall receive"


We encourage involvement and engagement in many volunteer opportunities. Here's how you can help:


    • Become an ambassadors to champion our programs – sharing this initiative with friends, support groups, churches, sororities, fraternities, professional organizations, family reunions, email blasts. Ask us for brochures and our electronic Snapshot that focuses on myeloma and the African American population
    • Help identify potential partnerships with local and national organizations
    • Participate in local health fairs/expos 
    • Leave brochures with the office of your specialist/cancer center, encouraging them to share with African American patients
    • Write and contribute relevant content that's pertinent to the African American community regarding myeloma, MGUS and smoldering myeloma
    • "Let's Talk About Myeloma" video series/short stories - for patients and caregivers to share their own unique story
    • Volunteer to participate on the African American Myeloma Speakers Panel - sharing your journey with other organizations
    • Help identify African American topics to be included in the new Myeloma library
  • Email marsha@healthtree.org to learn further details regarding each volunteer opportunity

Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Follicular Lymphoma Sponsors:

Astellas Pharma

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