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Helping Your Loved One to Stay Nourished During and After AML Treatment
Helping Your Loved One to Stay Nourished During and After AML Treatment image
AML Caregivers Chapter
event May 17, 2022 / 02:00PM - 03:00PM EDT

Event Description

Join us for a presentation from two UT Southwestern blood cancer nutrition experts! Michelle and Kathryn will discuss some tips and tricks for helping your loved one to stay nourished during and after AML treatment. With the internet at our fingertips, there is a lot of conflicting information on what to eat and what not to eat during treatment. These dietitians will guide us through some of these commonly asked questions and provide some practical suggestions and resources. We would love for you to attend!

Schedule & Agenda

Katie Braswell
Katie introduces the agenda for the event and featured speakers Michelle Hamilton, MCN, RD, CSO, LD and Kathryn Kanter, MS, RD, LD
Michelle Hamilton and Kathryn Kanter
Michelle and Kathryn will provide their presentation on how you as an AML caregiver can help your loved one to stay nourished throughout treatment.
Questions and Answers
Type your questions in the chat and Michelle and Kathryn will answer them!

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Katie Braswell
Katie Braswell
Dallas, Texas

Katie joined the HealthTree Foundation as the Community Director for AML in 2021. She is a registered dietitian who previously worked at the VA hospital in Dallas, Texas where she coached veterans with blood cancer on how to use nutrition to improve their treatment outcomes and minimize cancer-related side effects. Katie is passionate about health education and patient empowerment. In her spare time, she loves to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen, spend time running outdoors, and travel to new places.

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The panelist Kathryn Kanter, MS, RD, LD
Kathryn Kanter, MS, RD, LD
Dallas, Texas

Kathryn is an oncology dietitian at UT Southwestern. She received her bachelors and masters degree from Saint Louis University, where she also completed her dietetic internship. She began working at UT Southwestern Clements University Hospital in 2015 where she specialized in oncology and critical care nutrition. In 2020, Kathryn transferred to Simmons Cancer Center and now primarily works with patients with hematologic malignancies such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma. Kathryn enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, and spending time with her cat, Callie, in her spare time.

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The panelist Michelle Hamilton, MCN, RD, CSO, LD
Michelle Hamilton, MCN, RD, CSO, LD
Dallas, Texas

Michelle Hamilton is a registered dietitian and certified specialist in oncology at UT Southwestern. She received her undergraduate degree at Baylor University and masters at UT Southwestern. Michelle has a genuine passion for oncology and has been an oncology dietitian for approximately 5 years. She also has a focus on cancer survivorship and leads a 6 week healthy eating class for oncology patients. Prior to working at the cancer center, she worked in outpatient weight loss counseling and outpatient enteral nutrition management. Her hobbies include jogging, reading and cooking at home.

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Have Any Questions?

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sponsors:

Astellas Pharma

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