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Clinical Expertise

  • Multiple Myeloma


Jonathan L. Kaufman, MD is board certified in hematology and medical oncology. Dr. Kaufman is an active clinical and translational researcher in the fields of multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, and bone marrow transplant. As a network physician, he started practicing with Emory Healthcare in 2005. As the Medical Director and Section Chief of the Winship Cancer Institute Ambulatory Infusion Centers, Dr. Kaufman coordinates the care for over 10,000 cancer patients served each year. The goal of Dr. Kaufman’s research is to develop new treatments for patients with plasma cell disorder and lymphoma. His clinical research focuses on rapidly translating advances identified in laboratory models to patients.


Winship Cancer Institute Of Emory University: 1365 Clifton Rd C, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA

Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Sponsors:


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