Understanding MDS Genetics - HealthTree for MDS Webinar
Understanding the full scope of your MDS diagnosis is crucial to making the best treatment decisions for your individual case of MDS. In this online webinar hosted on May 21st, 2024, by the HealthTree Foundation for MDS, Dr. Namrata Chandhok from the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center joins us to teach us all about MDS genetics and genetic testing.
What is Genetic Testing? What Does it Mean for MDS Patients?
Genetic test reports are often confusing and full of letters and numbers in combinations that don’t look like anything we’ve ever seen before. Dr. Chandhok breaks down genetic reports into easy-to-understand segments and helps put into context what the results mean. She covers all of the most common MDS mutations, how mutations can affect your risk category, and how mutations can help guide treatment decisions.
Addressing Common Questions About MDS Genetics (Q&A)
During the Q&A session, Dr. Chandhok answered the following questions from the audience:
- [44:00] Can my genetics change? I’ve been diagnosed with low-risk MDS; could I then develop high-risk mutations?
- [45:40] If I’m treated for my high-risk mutations, does it make it harder to treat AML if I progress?
- [47:30] What strategies do you use to reduce pain during a bone marrow biopsy?
- [49:45] Is there a reason a doctor wouldn’t test for genetics?
Join Our Adult MDS Chapter for More Support and Education
Make sure you don’t miss any of our future events by joining our Adult MDS chapter! By joining this chapter, you’ll receive notifications about all of our upcoming events that span all areas of MDS education. Sign up today to receive emails about our upcoming webinars on the difference between MDS and MPNs, bone marrow transplants, overcoming common barriers to healthcare, and to hear your fellow MDS patients share their experiences.
Join our Adult MDS chapter here!
Understanding the full scope of your MDS diagnosis is crucial to making the best treatment decisions for your individual case of MDS. In this online webinar hosted on May 21st, 2024, by the HealthTree Foundation for MDS, Dr. Namrata Chandhok from the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center joins us to teach us all about MDS genetics and genetic testing.
What is Genetic Testing? What Does it Mean for MDS Patients?
Genetic test reports are often confusing and full of letters and numbers in combinations that don’t look like anything we’ve ever seen before. Dr. Chandhok breaks down genetic reports into easy-to-understand segments and helps put into context what the results mean. She covers all of the most common MDS mutations, how mutations can affect your risk category, and how mutations can help guide treatment decisions.
Addressing Common Questions About MDS Genetics (Q&A)
During the Q&A session, Dr. Chandhok answered the following questions from the audience:
- [44:00] Can my genetics change? I’ve been diagnosed with low-risk MDS; could I then develop high-risk mutations?
- [45:40] If I’m treated for my high-risk mutations, does it make it harder to treat AML if I progress?
- [47:30] What strategies do you use to reduce pain during a bone marrow biopsy?
- [49:45] Is there a reason a doctor wouldn’t test for genetics?
Join Our Adult MDS Chapter for More Support and Education
Make sure you don’t miss any of our future events by joining our Adult MDS chapter! By joining this chapter, you’ll receive notifications about all of our upcoming events that span all areas of MDS education. Sign up today to receive emails about our upcoming webinars on the difference between MDS and MPNs, bone marrow transplants, overcoming common barriers to healthcare, and to hear your fellow MDS patients share their experiences.
about the author
Mary Arnett
Mary joined HealthTree as the HealthTree for MDS Commnity Manager in 2022. She is passionate about giving power to patients through knowledge and health education. In her spare time, Mary loves attending concerts, spoiling her nieces and nephews, and experimenting in the kitchen.
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