ASH 2023: Validation of Composite Complete Response Definitions in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treated with Hypomethylating Agents: Real-World Analysis

Dr. Jan Bewersdorf stopped by to talk about his study in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. The study aims to validate the Composite Complete Response (cCR) definitions introduced in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 criteria for patients with HR-MDS undergoing treatment with Hypomethylating Agents. The IWG 2023 criteria redefined complete response (CR) and introduced provisional endpoints like CR with partial hematologic recovery (CRh), CR with limited count recovery (CR-L), and CR equivalent (CRequ) to enhance the assessment of treatment efficacy. Watch the video below or continue reading to hear more about this exciting research.
This was a retrospective analysis, it utilized data from the Validate Database, comprising high-risk MDS patients treated with hypomethylating agents. Patients meeting eligibility criteria underwent response assessments based on both IWG 2006 and 2023 criteria.
Of 629 eligible patients, achieving IWG 2023-defined composite complete response was associated with significantly improved overall survival (26.5 months vs. 14.3 months for non-composite complete response). Notably, complete response and complete response with limited count recovery, including Complete Response with bi-lineage (CRbi) and uni-lineage (CRuni) count recovery, showed improved overall survival. However, the small number of patients achieving complete response with partial hematologic recovery and complete response is equivalent to limited specific assessments. Multivariable analysis confirmed that achieving a composite complete response per IWG 2023 criteria was independently associated with improved overall survival.
In this real-world analysis, a composite complete response based on IWG 2023 criteria demonstrated a significant association with improved overall survival in high-risk-MDS patients treated with hypomethylating agents-based therapy. Notably, the different complete responses proved valuable in assessing treatment responses. Ongoing additions to the database will allow for further detailed analyses and insights.
Overall, the study supports the clinical utility of IWG 2023 criteria in evaluating treatment outcomes in HR-MDS patients and emphasizes the importance of incorporating these criteria in future clinical trials assessing response rates.
HealthTree CureHub
At HealthTree, we believe that patients are powerful and have an opportunity to contribute to research in an incredibly unique way. HealthTree Cure Hub empowers patients with the knowledge to actively participate in their health journeys while providing researchers with valuable insights from real-world experiences. HealthTree Cure Hub connects patients and researchers to not only accelerate the development of innovative treatments but also lays the foundation for a future where more educated patients and research leads to more effective and personalized cures. Visit HealthTree Cure Hub today to become an active participant in your care and contribute your unique experience to researchers to move closer to a cure.
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Dr. Jan Bewersdorf stopped by to talk about his study in Higher-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. The study aims to validate the Composite Complete Response (cCR) definitions introduced in the International Working Group (IWG) 2023 criteria for patients with HR-MDS undergoing treatment with Hypomethylating Agents. The IWG 2023 criteria redefined complete response (CR) and introduced provisional endpoints like CR with partial hematologic recovery (CRh), CR with limited count recovery (CR-L), and CR equivalent (CRequ) to enhance the assessment of treatment efficacy. Watch the video below or continue reading to hear more about this exciting research.
This was a retrospective analysis, it utilized data from the Validate Database, comprising high-risk MDS patients treated with hypomethylating agents. Patients meeting eligibility criteria underwent response assessments based on both IWG 2006 and 2023 criteria.
Of 629 eligible patients, achieving IWG 2023-defined composite complete response was associated with significantly improved overall survival (26.5 months vs. 14.3 months for non-composite complete response). Notably, complete response and complete response with limited count recovery, including Complete Response with bi-lineage (CRbi) and uni-lineage (CRuni) count recovery, showed improved overall survival. However, the small number of patients achieving complete response with partial hematologic recovery and complete response is equivalent to limited specific assessments. Multivariable analysis confirmed that achieving a composite complete response per IWG 2023 criteria was independently associated with improved overall survival.
In this real-world analysis, a composite complete response based on IWG 2023 criteria demonstrated a significant association with improved overall survival in high-risk-MDS patients treated with hypomethylating agents-based therapy. Notably, the different complete responses proved valuable in assessing treatment responses. Ongoing additions to the database will allow for further detailed analyses and insights.
Overall, the study supports the clinical utility of IWG 2023 criteria in evaluating treatment outcomes in HR-MDS patients and emphasizes the importance of incorporating these criteria in future clinical trials assessing response rates.
HealthTree CureHub
At HealthTree, we believe that patients are powerful and have an opportunity to contribute to research in an incredibly unique way. HealthTree Cure Hub empowers patients with the knowledge to actively participate in their health journeys while providing researchers with valuable insights from real-world experiences. HealthTree Cure Hub connects patients and researchers to not only accelerate the development of innovative treatments but also lays the foundation for a future where more educated patients and research leads to more effective and personalized cures. Visit HealthTree Cure Hub today to become an active participant in your care and contribute your unique experience to researchers to move closer to a cure.
For assistance setting up your HealthTree Cure Hub account, reach out to our patient navigation team by phone: 1-800-709-1113 or email:

about the author
Jimena Vicencio
Jimena is an International Medical Graduate and a member of the HealthTree Writing team. She has a passion for languages and is currently learning Japanese. In her free time, she loves playing with her cats. Jimena is also pursuing a bachelor's degree in journalism.
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