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Lukas Wartman, MD

Hematologist Oncologist, Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist, Instructor of Medicine, Division of Oncology, Section of Stem Cell Biology, Washington University School of Medicine

location_city Siteman Cancer Center

16 years treating Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Clinical Expertise

  • Acute Myeloid Leukemia


Dr. Wartman led the study that sequenced the first mouse model of human cancer (a mouse model of leukemia developed in Dr. Timothy Ley's Laboratory). He recently started his own lab and is studying the role of loss of function mutations in Kdm6a, a histone H3K27 demethylase, in cancer pathogenesis. He also collaborates with investigators at The Genome Institute to organize a monthly Genomics Tumor Board.


Siteman Cancer Center: 4921 Parkview Pl, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA

Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sponsors:

Astellas Pharma

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