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COVID-19 / Multiple Myeloma Update with Joshua Richter, MD, Mount SinaiNOVEMBER 25, 2020A fascinating update from Joshua Richter, MD of Mount Sinai on what multiple myeloma patients need to consider now that we know more about COVID-19.
COVID-19 / Multiple Myeloma Update with Joshua Richter, MD, Mount SinaiNOVEMBER 25, 2020A fascinating update from Joshua Richter, MD of Mount Sinai on what multiple myeloma patients need to consider now that we know more about COVID-19. image
HealthTree Podcast for Multiple Myeloma
event Nov 06, 2020 / 11:00AM MST

Event Description

Joshua Richter, MD
Mount Sinai
Interview Date: November 6, 2020

COVID-19 is still a serious condition for multiple myeloma patients. With a 28% death rate for hospitalized myeloma patients, it is important that patients understand the latest. What have we learned? Dr. Joshua Richter of Mount Sinai shares important information about the status of myeloma care in relation to COVID-19, how patients can best protect themselves, if you should be getting IVIG, possible treatments for COVID, why you should go back to normal myeloma therapy whether you should take blood thinners and much more. 

Thanks to our episode sponsor

Takeda Oncology

Schedule & Agenda

Dr. Joshua Richter & Jenny Ahlstrom

Speakers & Moderators

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Multiple Myeloma Sponsors:

Johnson and Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb

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