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Advocating for You and Your Loved One in Health Care
Advocating for You and Your Loved One in Health Care image
Myeloma Caregivers
event Aug 12, 2021 / 07:00PM - 08:00PM EDT

Event Description

Author Reina Weiner join us to discuss her book Trust Your Doctor... but Not That Much. A myeloma patient herself, Reina has mastered the skill of self-advocacy within the myeloma field. She wants to share her expertise with myeloma caregivers struggling to find their voices during their doctor visits. Advocating for yourself and your loved one is key to accelerating a myeloma cure. Join us and come with your questions. 

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Schedule & Agenda

Audrey Burton-Bethke
Audrey welcomes everyone, introduces our featured guest, and shares the event agenda.
Reina Weiner
Reina shares her expertise with myeloma caregivers on advocating for yourself and your loved one.
Q & A
Reina answers the audience's questions about her presentation and self-advocacy in healthcare.

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Reina Weiner
Reina Weiner

Reina S. Weiner is a Healthcare and Patient Advocacy Coach, a former National Oncology Trainer, Nursing Instructor, a multi-book author and a cancer patient in remission. Her most recent book is Trust Your Doctor….but Not That Much - Be Your Own Best Healthcare Advocate and her previous book is entitled Strong From the Start - Raising Confident and Resilient Kids. Reina is the why wait, trust yourself and ask for what you need woman. When she’s not working on all of the above, Reina can be found on the back of her husband’s motorcycle on a warm and sunny day. She can be reached at reinaweiner.com.

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The panelist Audrey Burton-Bethke
Audrey Burton-Bethke

Audrey joined the HealthTree Foundation as the Myeloma Community Program Director in 2020. While not knowing much about myeloma at the start, she has since worked hard to educate herself, empathize and learn from others' experiences. She loves this job. Audrey is passionate about serving others, loves learning, and enjoys a nice mug of hot chocolate no matter the weather.

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Have Any Questions?

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Multiple Myeloma Sponsors:

Johnson and Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb

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