Beatrice M. Razzo, MD - HealthTree Polycythemia Vera Directory
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Clinical Expertise

  • Multiple Myeloma


As a clinician, my goal is to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to patients with multiple myeloma and related disorders. I strive to ensure that all patients have equitable access to a full range of therapies, both within our cancer center and beyond. I am committed to fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, so that patients and their families feel supported throughout their journey with this serious illness.

As a researcher, my primary objectives are to broaden the therapeutic options available to the diverse patient population at TJU and to enhance the safety and quality of life for those receiving commercially approved therapies. This involves my active participation in initiating and developing clinical trials at TJU, as well as conducting retrospective analyses and forming translational partnerships. These efforts aim to identify biomarkers and immune profiles that facilitate more targeted therapeutic approaches.


Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals: 1020 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA

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