Food - changes in sense of or loss of taste Solutions
Choose nutritious or filling drinks
Such as milk or nutritional milkshakes or smoothies.
I have tried this solution88% reported
success (7 REVIEWS) 13%
reported no effect (1 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, and snack whenever you are hungry
I have tried this solution57% reported
success (4 REVIEWS) 43%
reported no effect (3 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Always have a snack with you
Favorite foods always on hand.
I have tried this solution67% reported
success (2 REVIEWS) 33%
reported no effect (1 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Eat nutritious snacks that are high in calories and protein
Dried fruits, nuts and nut butters, yogurt, cheeses, eggs, milkshakes, ice cream, cereal, pudding, and protein bars or granola bars.
I have tried this solution67% reported
success (2 REVIEWS) 33%
reported no effect (1 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Determine which times of day you are hungry and eat at those times
I have tried this solution67% reported
success (2 REVIEWS) 33%
reported no effect (1 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)

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