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The main symptoms to look for in MDS are low blood counts. Oftentimes, low blood counts are found during routine blood work even before symptoms emerge. Low blood counts can be a sign of many different health related conditions, so consult a doctor to be assessed for the cause if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Low Blood Counts

Our blood is made up of three different types of blood cells. Each of them have a different purpose, so low counts of each type leads to different symptoms.

Low Red Blood Cell Count (Anemia)

Red blood cells make up the majority of our blood content. Low red blood cell counts can lead to fatigue, low energy, shortness of breath, pale skin and chest pain. 

Low White Blood Cell Count (Neutropenia)

White blood cells help fight off illness, so low white blood cell counts can lead to increased sickness and infections. Common infections from a low white blood cell count are skin, sinus, lung, and urinary infections. Often, a fever is present.

Low Platelet Count (Thrombocytopenia)

Platelets help our blood to clot. Low platelet counts can result in excess bleeding and bruising. Often, excessive bleeding from the gums after dental work and frequent nosebleeds are signs of a low platelet count. 

Other Symptoms

While low blood counts and their symptoms are the main sign of MDS several other symptoms are reported by MDS patients including:

  • Weight loss
  • Bone pain
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Fever 




The main symptoms to look for in MDS are low blood counts. Oftentimes, low blood counts are found during routine blood work even before symptoms emerge. Low blood counts can be a sign of many different health related conditions, so consult a doctor to be assessed for the cause if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Low Blood Counts

Our blood is made up of three different types of blood cells. Each of them have a different purpose, so low counts of each type leads to different symptoms.

Low Red Blood Cell Count (Anemia)

Red blood cells make up the majority of our blood content. Low red blood cell counts can lead to fatigue, low energy, shortness of breath, pale skin and chest pain. 

Low White Blood Cell Count (Neutropenia)

White blood cells help fight off illness, so low white blood cell counts can lead to increased sickness and infections. Common infections from a low white blood cell count are skin, sinus, lung, and urinary infections. Often, a fever is present.

Low Platelet Count (Thrombocytopenia)

Platelets help our blood to clot. Low platelet counts can result in excess bleeding and bruising. Often, excessive bleeding from the gums after dental work and frequent nosebleeds are signs of a low platelet count. 

Other Symptoms

While low blood counts and their symptoms are the main sign of MDS several other symptoms are reported by MDS patients including:

  • Weight loss
  • Bone pain
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Fever 




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Bristol Myers Squibb

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