HealthTree Systemic Mastocytosis Patient Side Effect Solutions
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Chemo brain Solutions

Mind and memory activities and games (reading books, puzzles, word games, etc.)


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 84% reported success sentiment_neutral 16% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Notetaking, location tracking devices and reminders


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse



Gentle exercise, along with stretching and strengthening

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 89% reported success sentiment_neutral 11% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Create lists to keep track of things.


Put everything on a calendar and look at it first thing in the morning. Create a habit of lists and repetition.

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Proper sleep


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 67% reported success sentiment_neutral 33% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Avoid multitasking


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Trying new things and setting new goals


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse



Meditation apps: Calm or Ten Percent

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 75% reported success sentiment_neutral 25% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Healthy diet

Food & Beverages

Always get your doctors approval before taking any SES recommendations.

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 86% reported success sentiment_neutral 14% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Vitamin D

OTC Meds

Always get your doctors approval and correct dose before taking any solution recommendations.

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 29% reported success sentiment_neutral 57% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14% reported feeling worse

Gingko biloba


Always get your doctors approval and correct dose before taking any solution recommendations.

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 67% reported success sentiment_neutral 33% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse



I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 50% reported success sentiment_neutral 50% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse

Learn a musical instrument or listening to music


I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 0% reported success sentiment_neutral 50% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 50% reported feeling worse

Modafinil (Provigil)


Modafinil (Provigil) is a stimulant that may help with cognitive side effects of chemotherapy, known as "chemo brain". Most often used to treat sleepiness.

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse


Physician Intervention

I have tried this solution
sentiment_satisfied_alt 100% reported success sentiment_neutral 0% reported no effect sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0% reported feeling worse
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