David Rizzieri, MD - HealthTree Burkitt Lymphoma Directory
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Clinical Expertise

  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Myelodysplastic Syndromes


It's an honor to wear several hats at Novant Health and within the medical community. I'm the Agnes B. and Edward I. Weisiger Endowed Chair at the Novant Health Agnes B. and Edward I. Weisiger Cancer Institute, as well as the institute's senior vice president and system physician executive. Because I also am committed to advancing the field of clinical research and enjoy teaching the physicians of the future, I'm a clinical professor of medicine at the UNC School of Medicine. During my time as a professor at Duke University School of Medicine (1997-2021), I was nominated by Duke medical residents for the Eugene Stead Teaching Award and by Duke medical students for the Davidson Teaching Award.

I have always enjoyed using my skills in service to others. As a hematologist and oncologist, I personalize care plans for each of my patients. Blood cancers affect everyone differently, and there is no one correct way to treat them all - or to treat all patients.


Novant Health Cancer Institute - Elizabeth: 125 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28204, EE. UU.

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