How HealthTree is Investing in Cures - HealthTree for Multiple Myeloma
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How HealthTree is Investing in Cures

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How HealthTree is Investing in Cures

event Dec 11, 2024 / 05:00PM - 06:00PM EST
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Event Description

Meet Jenny Ahlstrom myeloma patient and Founder & CEO of HealthTree Foundation to learn how HealthTree is investing in cures. Jenny will also be joined by Jay Hydren, PhD Sr. Director of Research, Laura Gilman Chief Growth Officer and Jeff Mulder myeloma patient and Cure Contributor. Participants will learn how they can contribute to a cure and expedite research. This Webinar will include a presentation followed by Q&A.

Schedule & Agenda

The panelist Jenny Ahlstrom
5:00 PM
Jenny Ahlstrom
Event panelist Jenny Ahlstrom, Jay Hydren, Laura Gilman, Jeff Mudler
5:05 PM
Jenny Ahlstrom, Jay Hydren, Laura Gilman, Jeff Mudler

Jenny Ahlstrom, Founder & CEO of HealthTree Foundation

Jay Hydren, PhD Sr. Director of Research

Laura Gilman, Chief Growth Officer of HealthTree Foundation

Jeff Mudler, myeloma patient and Cure Contributor

Event panelist Audience
5:35 PM
Questions and Answers

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Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Jenny Ahlstrom
Jenny Ahlstrom
Lehi, UT

Myeloma survivor, patient advocate, wife, mom of 6. Believer that patients can help accelerate a cure by weighing in and participating in clinical research. Founder of the HealthTree Foundation.

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The panelist Jay Hydren, PhD, CSCS
Jay Hydren, PhD, CSCS

I’m a clinical researcher, with over 15 years of experience investigating various aspects of human health, nutrition and physiology. My PhD encompassed the broad topics of nutrition and integrative physiology with particular focus on age related diseases and vascular health. My most recent work focuses on accelerating a cure and treatments for Multiple Myeloma. I’m also working to improve patient experiences and decision-making processes for cancer treatment and care. To complement these critical research efforts, I enjoy hiking and skiing in Utah and surrounding states, along with training my dog and digital photography. 

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The panelist Laura Gilman
Laura Gilman

Laura Gilman is the Chief Growth Officer at HealthTree with over 20 years experience in for profit and non profit organizations leading strategic initiatives, client engagement efforts, and revenue-generating projects. Prior to this she built teams and innovative programs as the Vice President of Events and Partnerships at The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. Laura began her career at Morgan Stanley and later transitioned to executive roles at Victoria’s Secret Beauty and Citigroup. Laura is a Certified Leadership Coach and is committed to empowering leaders and teams to drive growth especially as it relates to purpose driven causes. Laura is known for her humor, candor, and wisdom. Born and raised on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, Laura now splits her time between New York City and Westport, Connecticut with her husband and son.

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The panelist Jeff Mulder
Jeff Mulder

Myeloma patient and fundraiser

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