HealthTree Roundtables for Follicular Lymphoma - HealthTree for Follicular Lymphoma
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HealthTree Roundtables for Follicular Lymphoma

HealthTree Roundtables for Follicular Lymphoma image

HealthTree Roundtables for Follicular Lymphoma


26 members

Join this chapter to stay informed about upcoming HealthTree roundtables for follicular lymphoma.

HealthTree Roundtables for follicular lymphoma are patient education meetings with top lymphoma experts. Each meeting is focused on assisting patients and caregivers in making the best decisions about their treatment and care. Roundtables will be hosted virtually.

The presentations during the roundtable events address the most challenging issues in follicular lymphoma research and treatment. Every HealthTree Roundtable for follicular lymphoma includes extensive time for attendees to ask the faculty questions in a format that also allows faculty members to interact and comment on each other’s observations.

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Thanks to our HealthTree Community for Follicular Lymphoma Sponsors:

Bristol Myers Squibb

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