Stroke Solutions
Avoid smoking or cigarette smoke
I have tried this solution100% reported
success (1 REVIEWS) 0%
reported no effect (0 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Seek medical advice if you experience atrial fibrillation
Physician Intervention
Recent studies support atrial fibrillation can be a strong risk factor for stroke.
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success (1 REVIEWS) 0%
reported no effect (0 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Physician Intervention
Therapeutic approach with evident indications of a significant positive impact on brain-cell rehabilitation in patients suffering from post-stroke disabilities.
I have tried this solution100% reported
success (1 REVIEWS) 0%
reported no effect (0 REVIEWS) 0% reported
feeling worse (0 REVIEWS)

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