What is CCUS? With Dr. Kelly Bolton - HealthTree for Myelodysplastic Syndromes
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What is CCUS? Everything You Need To Know With Dr. Kelly Bolton

What is CCUS? Everything You Need To Know With Dr. Kelly Bolton image

What is CCUS? Everything You Need To Know With Dr. Kelly Bolton

event Nov 30, 2023 / 04:00PM EST
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Event Description

What is CCUS? What does progression from CCUS to MDS or AML look like? What is the PIMM study? Learn everything you need to know about CCUS from Dr. Kelly Bolton, CCUS researcher and specialist.

Schedule & Agenda

The panelist Mary Arnett
4:00 PM
Mary Arnett

Welcome, Announcements & Introduction

The panelist Kelly Bolton, MD
4:05 PM
Kelly Bolton, MD

Dr. Bolton will discuss what CCUS is, what disease progression looks like and tells us all about her PIMM study. 

The panelist Audience
4:50 PM

Audience is able to call in to the podcast, (515) 605-9370, to ask Dr. Bolton questions about what was discussed during our interview today.

Speakers & Moderators

The panelist Mary Arnett
Mary Arnett
Salt Lake City, Utah

Mary joined HealthTree as the HealthTree for MDS Program Manager in 2022. She is passionate about giving power to patients through knowledge and health education. If she can help one patient feel more confident participating in discussions with their healthcare team and making treatment decisions, she will feel like she has succeeded. When she isn't advocating for MDS patients, she loves being an aunt, attending concerts, and experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.

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The panelist Kelly Bolton, MD
Kelly Bolton, MD
St. Louis, Missouri

Kelly Bolton is a physician-scientist at Washington University in St Louis. She is currently an assistant professor in the Section of Stem Cell Biology Division, Division of Oncology. Her research group focuses on clonal hematopoiesis and inherited predisposition to cancer. Originally from Los Angeles, she completed her undergraduate studies at Cornell University. She completed medical school at the UCLA School of Medicine and a PhD in Genetic Epidemiology through Cambridge University. She went on to complete her residency in internal medicine and Cornell University and a fellowship in medical oncology at MSKCC. She receives grant support from the National Cancer Institute, the EvansMDS foundation and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.

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