Precursor Conditions
1. What are the precursor conditions of multiple myeloma? Video
2. What is MGUS? Video
3. What testing should be done to confirm a MGUS diagnosis? Should a bone marrow biopsy be done? Should imaging be done? Video
4. Should an individual diagnosed with MGUS see a specialist? Video
5. How is MGUS monitored? How often should individuals diagnosd with MGUS have their myeloma blood markers retested? How often should individuals diagnosd with MGUS have repeat BMB and imaging? Video
6. Should MGUS be treated? Video
7. What is smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma? Video
8. What testing should be done to confirm a SMM diagnosis? Video
9. Should someone diagnosed with smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) see a myeloma specialist? Video
10. How is smoldering multiple myeloma monitored? What testing should be done and how often? Video
11. How is smoldering multiple myeloma stratified? Video
12. What is the definition of high risk smoldering multiple myeloma (HRSMM)? Is HRSMM the same as high risk multiple myeloma (HRMM)? Video
13. What is the goal of risk stratification in smoldering myeloma? What is the IMWG risk model for SMM? In addition to the variables used to calculate risk in the IMWG model, other factors might be considered when stratifying for HRSMM? Video
14. How can stratifying smoldering multiple myeloma patients be used in making treatment decisions? Video
15. Is there a standard of care for treating smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM)? Video
16. What are the two approaches to treating smoldering myeloma? Video
17. What is the immune microenvironment? What is the role of the immune microenvironment progression of smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) to active myeloma? Video
18. What is whole genome sequencing? How has whole-genome sequencing been used to identify progressive versus stable myeloma precursor conditions as two distinct entities? Video
19. What is the PROMISE study? Video
20. What is the PCrowd study? Video
21. What is the iStopMM study? Video
22. Is there a relationship between obesity and MGUS and smoldering multiple myeloma progressing? Video
23. What should individuals diagnosed with MGUS and smoldering multiple myeloma know about amyloidosis? Video
24. What is IgM MGUS? Video
25. Should there be screening for precursor conditions as part of routine care? Video
26. How does smoldering myeloma become active myeloma? Video
What is the PROMISE study?
Last year
Lesson Description
Find out how the PROMISE study is screening high-risk individuals for early signs of myeloma precursor conditions to better predict progression and prevent myeloma.