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Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cell Redirected to Target CD4 Positive Relapsed Refractory AML as a Bridge to Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant


This study is designed as a single arm open label traditional Phase I, 3+3, study of CD4-redirected chimeric antigen receptor engineered T-cells (CD4CAR) in patients with relapsed or refractory AML. the study will evaluate safety in this patient population and also the presence of efficacy signal described by elimination of residual disease to qualify patients for stem cell transplant.The study will be performed as a dose-escalation protocol. The investigators expect to recruit 20 subjects at Indiana University with an expected dropout rate of 25% primarily due to rapid progression or death and screen and or manufacturing failure. Taking this into account, the investigators expect to treat 15 patients. The study will utilize autologous CD4CAR T-cells that are engineered to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) targeting CD4 that is linked to the cluster of differentiation 28 (CD28), 4-1BB, cluster of differentiation 3-zeta (CD3ζ) signaling chains (third generation CAR). about 70% o

Trial Eligibility

Inclusion Criteria: 1. ≥ 18 years old at the time of informed consent 2. Ability to provide written informed consent and HIPAA authorization. 3. Diagnosis of AML that is CD4+ and is recurrent or refractory to first line standard of care treatment 4. Creatinine clearance of \> 60 ml/min (or otherwise non clinically significant, per study investigator) 5. alanine aminotransferase/ aspartate aminotransferase ALT/AST \< 3 x ULN 6. Bilirubin \< 2 x ULN (UPPER LIMIT OF NORMAL) 7. Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) with a DIFFUSE LUNG CAPACITY , DLCO, of ≥ 60% (if not completed within 6 months from Day 0) 8. Adequate echocardiogram with EJECTION FRACTION, EF, of ≥50% 9. Adequate venous access for apheresis and no other contraindications for leukapheresis Exclusion Criteria: 1. CD4 negative AML 2. Pregnant or lactating women. The safety of this therapy on unborn children is not known. Female study participants of reproductive potential (see definition below) must have a negative serum or urine pregnancy test prior to initiation of conditioning chemotherapy, per research sites' clinical policy. 3. Uncontrolled active infection necessitating systemic therapy. 4. Active hepatitis B hb, or hepatitis C, HC, infection. Active hepatitis C is defined as the hepatitis C antibody is positive while quantitative HCV RNA results exceed the lower detection limit. Note the following subjects will be eligible: * Subjects with a history of hepatitis B but have received antiviral therapy and have non-detectable viral DNA for 6 months prior to enrollment are eligible. * Subjects seropositive for HBS antibodies due to hepatitis B virus vaccine with no signs or active infection (Negative HBs Ag, HBc and HBe Ags) are eligible. * Subjects who had hepatitis C but have received antiviral therapy and show no detectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) viral RNA for 6 months are eligible. * If hepatitis C antibody test is positive, then patients must be tested for the presence of antigen by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and be hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid (HCV RNA) negative. 5. Concurrent use of systemic glucocorticoids in greater than replacement doses or steroid dependency defined in rheumatological and pulmonary diseases as uninterrupted corticosteroid intake for more than a year at a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg/day or greater, and where the underlying disease worsens on temporary stoppage of steroid therapy, with symptoms of steroids withdrawal (eg, lethargy, headache, weakness, pseudo rheumatism, emotional disturbances, etc) precipitated by the temporary stoppage unless tapering can occur safely without compromising the underlying disease, the withdrawal tolerance and can happen in a timeframe appropriate to enroll in this trial without safety concerns Subjects who receive daily corticosteroids in replacement doses can be included in the study. The replacement doses are defined as following: 1. Hydrocortisone 25mg/day or less 2. Prednisone 10mg/day or less 3. Dexamethasone 4mg or less Note: Recent or current use of inhaled glucocorticoids is not exclusionary, as this route pertains extremely minimal systemic penetration 6. Any previous treatment with any gene therapy products 7. Any uncontrolled active medical disorder that would preclude participation as outlined in the opinion of the treating investigator and/or Principal Investigator 8. HIV infection 9. Subjects who have received or will receive live vaccines within 30 days before the first experimental cell treatment. Inactivated seasonal flu vaccination is allowed. 10. Subjects with active autoimmune diseases who need systematic treatments (such as disease modifying agents, corticosteroids, and immunosuppressive drugs) during the last year. Note: Replacement therapy (thyroxine, insulin, or physiological corticosteroid replacement therapy (up to10 mg of oral daily prednisone or equivalent in hydrocortisone and dexamethasone) to treat adrenal dysfunction or pituitary dysfunction) is not considered as systematic therapy. Subjects who need inhalation corticosteroid therapy can be included in this trial. Subjects with vitiligo or in long-term remission of pediatric asthma or allergic diseases can be included in this trial. 11. Subjects with a history of mental disorders or drug abuse that may influence treatment compliance. 12. Active malignancy not related to AML that has required therapy in the last 3 years or is not in complete remission. Exceptions to this criterion include successfully treated non-metastatic basal cell or squamous cell skin carcinoma, or prostate cancer that does not require therapy. Other similar malignant conditions may be discussed with and permitted by the Principal Investigator Eligibility for Conditioning Chemotherapy: 1. Specific organ function criteria for cardiac, renal, and liver function must be similar to initial inclusion values. 2. Review of co-morbidities to confirm no major changes in health status (examples of major changes include heart attack, stroke, and any major trauma) Eligibility for CD4CAR infusion: 1. Afebrile and not receiving antipyretics, and no evidence of active infection. If fever is attributed to underlying disease, it will not disqualify. 2. Specific organ function criteria for cardiac, renal, and liver function must be similar to initial inclusion values. The following tests do not need repeated: an echocardiogram if within 6 weeks of initial assessment, and the PFT if completed within 6 months from Day 0. 3. Negative pregnancy testing (if applicable) 4. If previous history of corticosteroid chemotherapy, subject must be off all but adrenal replacement doses 3 days before the CD4CAR infusion. 5. Planned infusion dose was successfully manufactured and met release criteria.

Study Info


Indiana University

Primary Outcome

1. Dose finding: Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is defined as one dose level lower than the Dose Limiting Toxicity (DLT) of the CD4CAR in AML.

Outcome Timeframe Day 0 through Day 28 post-infusion

NCTID NCT06197672

Phases PHASE1

Primary Purpose TREATMENT

Start Date 2024-03-19

Completion Date 2027-12-31

Enrollment Target 30



Locations Recruiting

Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center

United States, Indiana, Indianapolis

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