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A Phase 1 Study of Autologous Memory-like Natural Killer (NK) Cell Immunotherapy With BHV-1100 (Formerly KP1237) and IVIG Followed by Low Dose IL-2 as Early Post-Autologous Transplant Consolidation in Minimal Residual Disease Positive, Multiple Myeloma (MM) Patients in First or Second Remission


This is an open-label single center Phase 1a/1b study with the primary objective of establishing the safety and exploring the efficacy of infusing the ex vivo combination product of cytokine induced memory-like (CIML) NK cells plus KP1237 and low dose IL-2 in newly diagnosed MM patients who have minimal residual disease (MRD+) in first remission prior to autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT).

Trial Eligibility

Inclusion Criteria: * Had measurable disease according to Standard Diagnostic Criteria at the time of initial Multiple Myeloma diagnosis * Meets criteria for symptomatic multiple myeloma at the time of induction chemotherapy * Is transplant eligible based on clinician judgement * Willing to undergo ASCT in first remission * Achieve partial response or better with induction chemotherapy prior to ASCT according to the International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) Uniform Response Criteria for Multiple Myeloma * Be MRD+ disease upon restaging prior to stem cell collection and ASCT * Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (EGOG) performance status score of less than 2 * Life expectancy greater than six months * Have no evidence of active or decompensated heart failure, no recent history (past 6 months) acute myocardial infarction, no evidence of severe valvular disease and must have a LVEF over 50% at the time of transplant evaluation * Adequate kidney function * No evidence of moderate/severe restrictive or obstructive lung disease at the time of transplant evaluation * Adequate bone marrow function * Be willing to undergo CD34+ cell collection for stem cell transplant * Be willing to undergo leukapherisis * Adequate hepatic function * If of child-bearing potential, be willing to follow birth control and pregnancy testing practice as recommended * Be willing to undergo bone marrow aspirate and biopsy as per treatment plan Exclusion Criteria: * Prior autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant * Prior cellular therapies, including NK cell therapy * Prior treatment with monoclonal antibodies * Prior treatment with melphalan * Prior treatment with immunosuppressive or immunomodulatory agents within 30 days of enrollment * Disease progression at the time of enrollment * History of plasma cell leukemia at any time prior to enrollment * Patients seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) * Uncontrolled, Hepatitis C Virus or Hepatitis B Virus infection * Patient receiving other investigational or anti-myeloma drugs within 30 days of enrollment * Patients with active clinically significant autoimmune diseases * Patients with active, clinically significant cancer other than multiple myeloma * Patients with neurological conditions that make difficult the assessment of neurologic toxicity of the Combination Product

Study Info


Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Primary Outcome

Dose limiting toxicities following Combination Product dministration

Outcome Timeframe 100 days post Combination Product administration

NCTID NCT04634435

Phases PHASE1

Primary Purpose TREATMENT

Start Date 2021-10-21

Completion Date 2025-10

Enrollment Target 25


COMBINATION_PRODUCT CIML NK Cells plus KP1237 and low dose IL-2

Locations Recruiting

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

United States, Massachusetts, Boston

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