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Blinatumomab Bridging Therapy in High-Risk B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Phase 2 Study


The investigator is testing the ability of a biologically active therapy in blinatumomab, an anti-CD19/CD3 bispecific T-cell engager, to further reduce residual leukemia immediately prior to HCT to improve post-HCT outcomes.The investigator is testing the ability of a biologically active therapy in blinatumomab, an anti-CD19/CD3 bispecific T-cell engager, to further reduce residual leukemia immediately prior to HCT to improve post-HCT outcomes. This Phase 2 study will determine the effectiveness of delivering 1 to 2 cycles of blinatumomab (Days 1-28) as bridging therapy in children, adolescent and young adults with relapse or persistent MRD B-ALL. Eligible subjects will receive 1 or 2, 28-day cycles of blinatumomab prior to proceeding to HCT. Centralized MRD assessment will be performed after completion of the 28-days of blinatumomab using both flow cytometry (University of Washington, Brent Wood, MD) and High-Throughput Deep Sequencing (HTS) MRD technologies (Adaptive Technologies, Se

Trial Eligibility

Inclusion Criteria: * Diagnosis of B-ALL in hematologic complete remission (defined as an M1 marrow, \< 5% blasts) with MRD in the bone marrow (≥ 0.01%) by multi-parameter flow cytometry and that meets one of the following: * Patients in first relapse or greater; OR • Patients with very-high risk biology ALL that is proceeding to HCT in first remission (e.g. Induction failure, Severe-hypodiploidy, Ph-like ALL); OR • Patients who have persistent MRD after Consolidation therapy (End of Consolidation (EOC) MRD positive ≥ 0.01%); AND with the intent of going on to an allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) independent of this study * Patients must have an available donor and have intention of proceeding directly to HCT after completion of 1 to 2 cycles of Bridging therapy with blinatumomab. * Age ≤ 25 years at time of study enrollment * Karnofsky Performance Status ≥ 50% for patients 16 years and older and Lansky Play Score ≥ 50 for patients under 16 years of age (see Appendix 1) * Have acceptable organ function as defined within 7 days of study registration: Renal: creatinine clearance ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73m2 or serum creatinine based on age/gender Hepatic: ALT \< 5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) and total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age Cardiac: left ventricular ejection fraction ≥ 40% by ECHO/MUGA * At least 7 days must have elapsed from prior chemotherapy. * Patients who have experienced their relapse after HCT are eligible, provided they have no evidence of acute or chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) and are off all transplant immune suppression therapy for at least 7-days (e.g. steroids, cyclosporine, tacrolimus). Steroid therapy for non-GVHD and/or non-leukemia therapy is acceptable. * Biologic (anti-neoplastic agent): At least 7 days after the last dose of a biologic agent. For agents that have known adverse events occurring beyond 7 days after administration, this period must be extended beyond the time during which adverse events are known to occur. The duration of this interval must be discussed with the study chair. * Monoclonal antibodies: At least 3 half-lives of the antibody must have elapsed after the last dose of monoclonal antibody (i.e. Inotuzumab = 12 days). * Immunotherapy: At least 42 days after the completion of any type of immunotherapy (e.g. tumor vaccines or CAR T-cell therapy). * XRT: Cranio or craniospinal XRT is prohibited during protocol therapy. ≥ 90 days must have elapsed if prior TBI, cranio or craniospinal XRT * Sexually active females of child-bearing potential must agree to use adequate contraception (diaphragm, birth control pills, injections, intrauterine device \[IUD\], surgical sterilization, subcutaneous implants, or abstinence, etc.) for the duration of treatment and for 2 months after the last dose of chemotherapy. Sexually active men must agree to use barrier contraceptive for the duration of treatment and for 2 months after the last dose of chemotherapy. * Voluntary written consent before performance of any study-related procedure not part of normal medical care, with the understanding that consent may be withdrawn by the subject at any time without prejudice to future medical care. Exclusion Criteria: * History of CNS3 disease and/or active central nervous system (CNS) disease (≥ CNS2) * Receiving concomitant chemotherapy, radiation therapy; immunotherapy or other anti-cancer therapy other than is specified in the protocol. * Systemic fungal, bacterial, viral, or other infection not controlled (defined as exhibiting ongoing signs/symptoms related to the infection and without improvement, despite appropriate antibiotics or other treatment) * Pregnant or lactating. The agents used in this study are known to be teratogenic to a fetus and there is no information on the excretion of agents into breast milk. All females of childbearing potential must have a blood test or urine study within 7-days prior to the start of blinatumomab to rule out pregnancy. * Known allergy to blinatumomab * Participating in a concomitant Phase 1 or 2 study

Study Info


Medical College of Wisconsin

Primary Outcome

Percentage of Subjects in CR

Outcome Timeframe 42 Months

NCTID NCT04556084

Phases PHASE2

Primary Purpose TREATMENT

Start Date 2021-01-01

Completion Date 2023-10

Enrollment Target 35


DRUG Blinatumomab

Locations Recruiting

Medical College of Wisconsin

United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee

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